Reading comments in different communities, I noticed that users hardly leave smilies. Why is that?
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
No idea, here’s a sword
That’s a nice sword.
Massive fucking sord
that’s what she said
That’s whut sheltac said
Every single time I get naked.
It’s a chore.
…Go on… /s
BigDickProblems was such a hilarious subreddit, i shit like IAmVerySmart and such. Its so easy to see thru often
But don’t you know condoms burst at the sight of my shlong? It has nothing to do with the fact that the sight of naked me dries up a pussy quicker than a fucking hairdryer.
I wonder if that was a medieval torture thing
Dry rape? Bro it’s a torture thing today
No like letting someone “dry out”, rheres no way they didnt think of that already
Edit: what is “dry rape”?
here’s a rocket ship 8=======D~~~
second a few other comments, a lot of people conflating emoticons and emojis
- emoticon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- emoji: 🤷
- emoticon: =>^.^<=
- emoji: 🐱
It’s understandable. Back in the old old days, these 😱 were often called emoticons. The reason was that the chat software that people used to automatically replaced ;-) by 😉. The menu was the same and the name of this menu was emoticon.
One of the most famous example of this is MSN Messenger.
People keep the habit to call them emoticons.
In the old old days, emojis didn’t exist yet, until NTT DoCoMo created them for mobile phones. Emoticons predate them.
I propose that we call the symbols in both emoticons and emoji “emos”.
And we call emos, goths
I wonder what happened to all the emo girls
no, no … emo and goth are different, goths have fashion sense …
Very true. Also, I believe you forgot to escape the 2nd ^ symbol? I think it should look like this:
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For me emoticons were something that started when all of the boomers came to Facebook. Floods and floods of useless emojis left and right. So now I feel weird using them, like I’m cheapening the platform while also acting like the people that ruined Facebook for me
Are emojis considered emoticons? Call me old but I think this is an emoticon ;-) and this is an emoji 😉
Agreed! Although the little image things on message boards like phpBB, ProBoards and Invision were also emoticons, even though they were basically early onset emojis
Emoticons are old internet. Emojis are boomer, normie, and corpo friendly translations.
Who is booing this man? He is completely correct
Wait, who was using “old Internet” if not boomers?
The nerds who made the tech.
Psst… the nerds were mostly boomers…
I know my one professor used punch cards and worked on some of the data structures. But it was people who cared about how tech worked.
Most boomers I know still can’t use a mouse. Millennials and gen X fill most of the old Internet in my mind, but the original '91 Internet was a lot of tech focused boomers, but also was significantly Gen X. '95-'99 seemed to pick up more traction with my generation.
I think it’s sample bias. I graduated with a CS degree in 85 and started working as a software engineer in aerospace. It was pretty much all boomers when I started.
There might be more people from later generations who grew up doing their homework on computers, so the disparity between tech folks and non-tech folks in those later generations seems less, but the Internet was mostly created by boomer tech people.
I’m the senior manager of the organization I started in in 85, and I still have boomers working for me.
I have a negative attitude to standard emoticons built into Android and iOS. They don’t look good, they’re too many.
I’m interested to know who uses emoticons depicting, for example, player rewind icons or rectangular shapes. Are there people who use these emoticons at least once a year?
I make apps and I use them for prototyping buttons and stuff… So yeah, pretty often.
Sounds intriguing. How does that look?
Could just look like this. It’s a dumb little stopwatch app I made some time ago to explain a different concept. All it uses is plain HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Because I could use emojis as icons, I didn’t need to bring in a separate icon pack.
If I didn’t have access to emojis at all, I probably would have just used text only… But if I’m prototyping an app that I’m building for someone else, it helps make it look closer to the real thing, and that’s kinda nice.
Hmm… Then wouldn’t it be logical on the part of mobile OS developers to make the extended set of emoticons hidden by default and enabled through system settings? Or make an extended set of smileys as an app that can be installed through the app directory?
Maybe! The MacOS emoji picker actually does this: You can choose which categories to include or omit, and set favorites… And not all of them are enabled by default. No reason phone keyboards couldn’t do the same thing. MacOS calls most of what we’d consider “emojis” to be one category though, lol… So that wouldn’t actually solve the problem. But it’s possible.
Installing them like an app wouldn’t really be a thing though-- Emojis are part of Unicode, which means they’re essentially text characters. You wouldn’t want to omit those from the system entirely, because if they appear in text, you still want to be able to render them. Kind of like… You might not need (or want) a convenient way to write an “é,” but it’d be annoying if somebody wrote “the appetizers were good, but the entrée was just okay” and you saw “entr�e” because you didn’t have the right app installed.
Personally, I’d rather have access to everything and just use search to find the one I want, but it might be nice to have the option to omit categories that you aren’t interested in.
My hypothesis: Lemmy has an older userbase, and in general older people feel less of a need to express their emotions. They’re busier discussing the topic than highlighting their attitude towards it.
Perhaps cultural reinforcement plays a role, too. As emoticons and emojis are less used, they feel more out of place, so people who’d use them elsewhere avoid them here.
My 80 old father-in-law spams emoticons like he’s a 15 year old girl. Cringe-worthy and hillarious at the same time 😂
I have stopped contacting family members because the constant emoji spam kills all desire to have a conversation with them. Feels like empty meaningless chatter.
I only use emoticons to clarify an emotional message. On forums, I’m more interested in sharing and discussing ideas and opinions. Emoticon spam makes me sick with worthless cringe.
I use emojis only because my phone suggests them at the end of sentences 🙃
Personally I feel like if I need to use one, then I’ve done a poor job of writing.
I guess the other component is that I write a lot at work (I’m an engineering manager) and emoticons aren’t really appropriate for that kind of communication, so I’m not in the habit of using them.
Such an emoji can be sent to a customer when all deadlines have passed.
What kind of engineering manager isn’t using a dramatic shrug emoji or emoticon dozens of times every day?!
Don’t tell me your team has their shit together.
I prefer to walk to their desks and make the expressions and gestures in person.
😂 what!? I’ve worked with 11 engineering managers and they’ve all used emojis. You’re either not in software or you work for a bank/insurance.
Not sure what to tell you, I’m the senior manager for software engineering in a company that makes rocket engines, solid rocket motors, and space electrical power systems. I’ve been working there for 38 years and emojis are pretty rare.
I also work with space electrical power systems. That was an odd thing to see in the wild lol
Huh interesting. Are you comfortable saying more? The company I work for did the EPS for the ISS, we did the MMRTGs for the Mars rovers, and some others. We’re not at the same place, are we?
I work on other projects, not the rovers or ISS. I’m in Houston.
If you’re at JSC, maybe you’re our customer.
Exactly, not in software as in, not working for a software company.
I did start by saying I was an engineering manager, so I thought that part was a given
Sorry! I’ve only heard that title used in the context of software engineering gigs.
Hmmm, maybe we have a semantic issue. That’s literally my title: Senior Manager, Software Engineering. But it’s a heavily engineering company, not a heavily software company.
Yeah, makes perfect sense!
You’re just older. Has nothing to do with being an engineering manager.
Emoticons started getting popular in the 90s, so I’m in the age group where that was happening. You’ll see other people in this thread saying they felt like it was a boomer thing. I don’t think my age is the reason.
All these people singing the praises of emoticons over emojis, and not a single XD to be seen. I know you’re old enough to remember the XD times! XD you cowards!
I xD all the time 😤
I like to throw it around sometimes, especially when I need to soften a statement or when someone says something so stupid I can’t help but laugh XD
ITT: People conflating emojis and emoticons.
In msn messenger emoticons were what emojis are today. So to me emoticons and emojis are the same… i dont what to call the things op refers to… maybe ASCII emoticons?
Edit: turns out im wrong
Edit: sort of wrong… emojis are also officially called emoticons
It probably doesn’t help that a lot of things will take your emoticons and automatically convert them into emojis for you. Like you type :-) and it changes it to 🙂 without even asking. I’ve run into this in a lot of chat clients.
Yeah, I’m confused. I do use emoticons and I rarely use emojis. What half of that is relevant here?
Does the distinction truly matter?
In some ways no, but communication is complicated. Emoticons and emojis feel different when used I feel like. :) and 🙂 is not the same.
They’re also used by different generations of people I think. So in that way it is meaningful to talk about them as separate concepts.
Emoticons are representations of emotions. We don’t have those. We’re dead inside.
Emoticons are like swear words.
I use them sparingly not because I disapprove of them, but to preserve their effectiveness.
I have been sparing the almighty hell out of mine. When they drop it will be epic.
We don’t like when people add color to our monochromatic text.
Just for you
- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- ಠ_ಠ
- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
- ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
- ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
- ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
- (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
- ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
- (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
- ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
- (👁 ͜ʖ👁)
- (งツ)ว
- ʘ‿ʘ
- ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
- (•_•)
- ( •_•)>⌐■-■
- (⌐■_■)
- [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
- (シ_ _)シ
Few more for the set:
- (o・・)ノ”(ᴗ ᴗ。)
- (╹╭╮╹)凸
- 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
- (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
- ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
- (∽_∼) ,p
- (∂︹6) ,p
- [¬º-°]¬
- ٩( ᐛ )و
- =͟͟͞͞ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
- ♫•¨•.¸¸♪ (ง ื▿ ื)ว٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶ ♫•¨•.¸¸♪
- ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)
- ( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° )
- ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
- 「(゚ペ)
- (゜-゜)
- (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
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(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
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I find them obnoxius, just like inserting animated gifs and meme responses. If used in serious context it makes the whole post look cringe, using them to replace words is fit only for smartphone troglodytes sending character-limited posts/SMS.
I use them as a complement in my messages where I want to convey an emotion which isn’t obvious from the text itself. Like if I’m being self-deprecating in a joking manner, e.g. Not very easy to convey in text. But if I add some kind of smiling-ish emoji or something, it’s clearer that I’m not serious.
Overuse is cringe however.
If something isn’t obvious from the text, why not change the /style/ of writing instead of appending dissonant graphics? Make it obviously sarcastic or humorous, instead of leaving the users guessing if its satire or sincere expression.
Not everyone is good at that type of thing. 🙃
People on Reddit rarely did, and I feel like this behavior has spread to Lemmy.
True, it’s basically culture.
I use them for texts but never for Lemmy or reddit.
A lot of us came from reddit where it was considered taboo to use emojis.
Also Reddit didn’t support emojis for a long time. But yeah, it was considered very “normie” (hate that term but applicable)
Wow, I didn’t know that. You don’t know the reason?
You looked like you were fresh off the bus from Facebook.
But emoticons usually didn’t see the same hate though :)