Our fridge is 12 years old and we’re just hoping it keeps chugging on 🥲 Four more years!
Our fridge is 12 years old and we’re just hoping it keeps chugging on 🥲 Four more years!
Without a body or even injuries and prosecution that depends entirely on proving a state of mind, you probably won’t find a jurisdiction who would give you the time of day with it. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.
More perspective on how big it is: You can drive 12 hours and not make it out of California. And our rail system is pitiful, meaning many people don’t travel anywhere they can’t easily drive or affordably fly.
It’s a joke reference to The Exorcist, which features a child whose head spins around due to demonic possession.
Oh god, their hands are all melting together. Ewwww
Fruit bats. Just no ebola, please.
Was it addressed to you? I’d be cagey about something LGBT related showing up addressed to me without anyone I knew sending it, but that might be overly paranoid.
It looks like it’s a zine made by some New York film company called A24.
Not sure, but mainstream media is also reporting it: https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/13/apple-will-integrate-alibabas-ai-into-iphones-in-china-chairman-joe-tsai-says.html
For headline readers: for iPhones sold in China.
In the collection description I guess it doesn’t, but if you click on any of the games included it’s clear that they’re tabletop role playing games (some even have it in the title icon). I can edit the post to include that if people think it’s misleading, though
I’m walking off into the woods if that happens. Dying in a week can’t be worse than that.
While catching a ghost crab.
When you’re drinking more water you also need a little bit of salt to balance out your electrolytes, since you’re pissing them all out.
I hate that I know this, but the 90s live action movie canon is that he died as a child of pneumonia.
I feel like it’s probably going to go down in safety an order of magnitude or two in the US given, you know, The Horrors.
Wait, everyone else’s school had breadsticks? What did they serve with them? We only ever got rolls.
I agree with the comment saying that 130lbs doesn’t sound overweight, unless you’re 5’0 or under. Does your belly look obviously big to you in photos, or has anyone else ever mentioned it? Your perspective when you look down at your belly will make it look larger to you, so it might only be you that sees your belly as too big.
Keep in mind as well that in any photos of men you see who are body building, they have often dehydrated themselves to make their muscles stand out more. If you’re properly hydrated you’re never going to look like that, even if you exercise every day.
But strengthening your core muscles is really good for your back, so it’s probably not a bad idea to do sit ups and push ups.
Thanks for the accurate info!
I think it’s from 30 Rock (TV series).
I prefer Sandi Toksvig’s method: if you only know one word, make it “hospital.”