Well I’m guessing they actually did testing on local AI using a 4GB and 8GB RAM laptop and realized it would be an awful user experience. It’s just too slow.
I wish they rolled it in as an option though.
Well I’m guessing they actually did testing on local AI using a 4GB and 8GB RAM laptop and realized it would be an awful user experience. It’s just too slow.
I wish they rolled it in as an option though.
Why didn’t you like Hashicorps Vault? I want to know for my own edification.
I hope so. I don’t want to manage two different address spaces in my head. I prefer if one standard is just the standard.
Display and layout rules aren’t difficult at all. Maybe I’m just not experienced enough. I’ve been a web dev for nearly a decade now and I feel like I’ve got the hang of it. That being said, I don’t work on projects that have to work on everything from a Nokia to an ultra wide monitor. We shoot for a few common sizes and hope it clears between edge cases nicely. What is an example of something that wraps randomly?
Genuinely, though, CSS is fairly clear cut about the rules of positioning and space. Relative positioning is one of the most important concepts to master since it allows things to flow via the HTML structure and not extra CSS. Fixed positioning is as if you had no relative container other than the window itself. Absolute positioning is a little weird, but it’s just like fixed positioning except within the nearest parent with relative positioning.
Everything else is incredibly straight forward. Padding adds space within a container. Margins add space outside a container. Color changes text color. Background-color changes the background color of an element.
Top, left, right, and bottom dictate where the element should be positioned after the default rules are applied. So if you have a relative div inside a parent which is half way down the page, top/right/left/bottom would move the element relative to it’s position within the parent. If you made the div fixed, it would be moved relative to the window.
Lastly, if you’re designing a webpage just think in boxes or rows and columns. HTML can define 75% of the webpage structure. Then with just a bit of CSS you can organize the content into rows/columns. That’s pretty much it. Most web pages boil down to simple boxes within boxes. It just requires reading and understanding but most people don’t want to do that to use CSS since it feels like it should just “know”.
As someone who has built QT, Swing, and JavaFx applications, I way prefer the separation of concerns that is afforded us via HTML JS and CSS.
Would be kind of cool to allow people to choose an install method. As someone who has experienced low bandwidth in rural homes, it would be nice to avoid the waste at the cost of possibly managing chromium versions myself.
That’s the point. The storage is a bad metric. While it might indicate poor performance, it’s not a direct indication of poor performance. The bloat and optimization comes from the usage of Electron. And people use Electron because it’s far easier to make cross-platform deployments for Web and desktop using a framework like Electron. Show me the QT/JavaFX app that mimics Signal and we can compare the cost to develop it. Electron isn’t the best choice for memory usage and reducing bloat, but it’s the best choice for quick development (in my opinion but also proven out by the market share it has)
Why are the clouds inverted? The cloud shape is black and the moon is visible inside it, but it seems super clear that the purple part has too many sharp edges to be a cloud? Therefore the black shape is a cloud? It’s just weird looking. Also the garbage men seem ancillary.
Weird artistic choices.
I was talking about meat replacements but I put tofu in that category as well because I don’t have a lot of experience with tofu outside of “we have this instead of meat”.
Vegan food is cheaper in America, for sure. Beans, veg (some) and rice are cheap. However fruit is expensive.
But the alternatives to meat are not cheap: tofu is like $5/lb compared to chicken which can be as low as $2.99/lb. Steak is expensive in America, but it can be close to the cost of tofu. It’s definitely cheaper than the steak-alternatives like beyond meat.
While you might find meat replacements to be unnecessary, most Americans (myself included) struggle. 90% of the meals I used to eat were some variation of: protein (meat/chicken/fish), plus a veggie, plus a carb (rice/bread). That was the basic dinner. It has a nice ratio of protein to carb. It was tasty (to me at least) and the cost wasn’t too bad.
I’m guessing I’m not alone, culturally. It’s not like you can fry up two slabs of tofu and just call it a day. Tofu is just different. It doesn’t cook the same and it doesn’t taste the same. I cook tofu at least once a week, but I treat it very differently.
It’s just not easy for Americans to justify going vegan. It’s culturally very different and - if you want to stay within the culture - it’s expensive.
But that’s why I always advocate for meat reduction, not replacement. Eat more vegetables. Try other dinners. Etc. But most Americans are remiss to be told what to do.
There in lies the rub, though. Most vegans are vegan for a moral reason that they believe applies to you:
There are more fringe reasons for veganism such as: diet, health, etc. But those aren’t relevant to the point I’m making.
“Live and let live” doesn’t apply to situations where we’re talking about global warming or the abuse of animals. Most vegans are trying to educate others and - yeah - they probably vote for things that would result in more expensive meat or less meat being available in your local markets. I believe most vegans are hoping their efforts will slow global warming and provide better living conditions for livestock.
I’m not trying to sit on a moral podium here and judge. I eat meat too. I’m not vegan. Though I’ve tried to reduce how much meat I eat in yet another small, feckless, civilian effort to slow global warming. All I’m saying is: I sympathize with people who want to improve the world and I understand why they spend time and effort talking about being vegan.
But meat in america is cheaper than the vegan stuff and definitely tastier. So it’s hard for us to meaningfully change.
Dyslexia is broader than you’re thinking. Struggling to spell, read, or write can all be signs of dyslexia: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dyslexia/symptoms-causes/syc-20353552
Scroll down to school age/teen symptoms for such examples.
What about ketosis? Are ketones a legit way to remove fat?
In some places, parking lots are monitored by security and you’ll be kicked out if you’re sleeping in your car in the parking lot.
Anything “salad” where the salad includes tuna, mayo, or egg. I can’t handle it. I don’t know why. Egg salad. Tuna salad. 🤢
I like salad. I like eggs. I like tuna somewhat. I like mayo somewhat. But any of those weird combinations make me sick.
Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him.
#moustache {
position: absolute;
bottom: 10px;
margin: 0 auto;
If that doesn’t work:
#moustache {
position: absolute;
bottom: 10px;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
Relative positioning is preferred but not always available if the parent face is positioned absolutely.
Edit: adjusted bottom from 0 -> 10px since 0 would be at the bottom of the chin but there is obviously some padding to bring it nearer the lip
People don’t like to admit that we are ants. We are valuable and important. Each one of us is unique and deserves a full, good, life. But we are also ants. We are susceptible to group think, mob behavior, and we tend to follow the scent trail most of the time. It’s not a bad thing. It’s tied to our evolutionary desire to be a part of a community; to fit in and blend in.
But it also means individuals are likely to do what keeps them alive. We are likely all bad in some way or another.
But as long as you aren’t, actively, willfully, or gleefully harming people, you’re probably ok.