“Its easy I just need to dodge that attack” 5seconds later I die to the exact same attack thay killed me the last 50 times.
“Its easy I just need to dodge that attack” 5seconds later I die to the exact same attack thay killed me the last 50 times.
oh the times ive seen people at my work try an sell soemthing to an angry customer. It always fails and results in the customer being pissed off and insulted. It should be obvious that if someone is paying you to solve a problem and your software is not working and causing them to complain they are not in the mood to buy another thing to solve the problem they are already paying you to solve.
Windows is so annoying like why does it always display word, excel etc when I don’t own it. These are paid programs that I do not own they should not be coming up in search results when I’m looking for a word processor.
If you mix video games and diy projects it can be satisfying and fulfilling for years.
For me the social aspect is the hardest because i don’t make friends online and am bad at keeping in regular contact with my real life friends.
Farmers are never happy. They are miserable bastards.
There are some devs that I trust to package sure. But when im downloading apps from the discover store I dont really know or care who packaged it. I just want to download the app with some peace of mind. Not all the apps on flathub are packaged by the devs.
In the flathub repo, we trust that flathub checked these packages. In the fedora flatpak repo we trust that fedora checked these packages.
Personally I do trust the fedora team to provide me secure packages more than I trust the flathub repo. You dont have to and thats fine. One of the reasons I like the fedora repo is that the check the libs used by packages and try to get them updated when they have security vulnerabilities.
Became reddit has a user base that is 10000x bigger.
They can’t be perfect. Its a case of do you trust fedora or flatpak for your packaging needs. Personally i trust fedora and flatpak but use fedora.
What about steve bannons salute? He’s neither autistic or excited?
Its pretty smooth but I’ve had a lot of desync issues because I have a long list of mods I try to play with.
They do PvP on the mod. Its pretty cool you have 4 teams and each player controls 1 pawn and the fight for objectives and capture and craft their way to victory.
Rimworld multiplayer.
The best driving shoe is bare feet. Nothing feels better than direct skin contact when piloting the machine.
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If you dont nail it down they’ll pirate it from you 🏴☠️
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I was bored on my lunchbrakes at work so I would just troll people in the youtube comments. I also fall for obvious bait because I cant help myself. Its the fedora tipping redditor inside me.
I had an argument that went on for 8 months in a YouTube comment section. At the start I just left a comment on a ww2 documentary i was watching trolling by saying that I didn’t believe ww2 was real became there was no proof. The argument shifted across many topics since there was now 10+ people arguing about random things. I think we covered the moon landing, communism, the justification of dropping nukes on Japan. I just made up random things and baselessly attacked the validity of the claims others made.
I think the youtuber ended up deleting the thread because it just disappeared. None of my other bait posts have ever started that much of a shitshow and its disappointing.
Yes swimming is a core part of the nz childhood. We had swimming lessons throughout school and my parents enrolled me in swim classes very early.
I’m terrible at formal swimming but I can survive and get around comfortably in the water
ive been using linux for about 4 years now and I still have no idea where the things are kept. Im getting the feel for it slowly like everything flatpak is in a hidden folder .var my solution is to just make a simlink to folders I want to vist and put them in my home folder.