I solve this problem by not writing a book and masturbating.
At the same time‽
Yes. It is very easy to masturbate while not writing.
Easy for you to say. I struggle with this.
I’ll send you a pamphlet.
So that’s your trick, you write pamphlets instead of book, I see. I’ll try that next time
Bro. I swear to god me, you, and a user called “the piccard manoeuvre” are like the only three users on here.
Like I see y’all everywhere. I had discussions with you in many places at this point.
Only 3 users? Don’t you count us lurkers out, we’re here too. We’re always here… always.
It just I notice those other names a heck of a lot.
I have a lot of free time at the moment, although that’s going to end next year.
Will you still have time to masturbate while not writing?
I hear you can save a lot of time by writing Lemmy comments while masturbating.
What happens next year?
You don’t have to share. Just curious is all.
The Picard manoeuvre is everywhere, don’t know if I’ve ever seen you guys.
I’m here too, as well as VikingHippie
Some of the meme gods of !risa@startrek.website will grace other communities with their fire hose of content.
Impossible, i’ve tried so hard and still wrote at least a 3 pages story
Or you could solve it by nut writing a book. Make it a two birds, one stone thing, but more like “many nuts, one book”
There’s a 50k word novel that doesn’t use the letter E. Doubling the word count while only using A, C, G, T, & U is on another level.
technically invisible ink
whats with the book writing thing? First I’m hearing about it.
New Novel November
(November is National Novel Writing month in which you’re encouraged to write a 50k+ word novel)
I would like to know who in the fuck thinks they can write a novel in only a month.
If college taught me anything, it’s that I can write thousands of words per night. Typically fastest in the wee hours of the morning.
None of these words are good, mind you, but they are in fact words.
Oh yeah. Some of my worst work is on those mega-inspired days where I sit for 10h and crank out 10000 words.
To this day I don’t know why I do that if I end up throwing most of it away.
Maybe it’s good to get bad plot out of the system.
November is National Novel Writing month and December is National Edit the Terrible Novel You Just Wrote month.
Haha, more like the entire next year.
For me, a good day is about 1000 words. I really run out of juice after that and just type bland shit. That’s about 3 months for a decent draft.
Oh it depends massively for me. One of my best (IMHO) short stories is 8k and was written over 10-12h in a day.
But that has to be a pretty special day.
On bad days I usually go into the negatives 😂
If you can make time for 1,700 words a day starting on the 1st then by the end of the month you’ve exceeded 50k
Making time and having energy for 1,700 words a day on top of daily life activities and working a job is the trick.
1700 words shouldn’t take that long. Are you allowed to write on the computer?
Of course. The trick is that you have to come up with which words to use in what order yourself.
Well the challenge is about word count, not about making a coherent novel.
I’m gonna cheese this challenge so hard.
If you want to go through a lot of trouble to make something long that doesn’t make sense, Dadaist theater is easier and more fun… 🤷
Hmmm, but are we speedrunning to 50k or are we going for the word record in the amount of time given?
As obviously we would need different cheesing strategies
I assume so, I don’t see why not
That’s gonna be piss easy!
Nobody said it had to be a good novel.
I’ve done it. You’re not supposed to come up with a finished product in 30 days (although some people do). Mine was a first draft of roughly 55k words.
I’m reading a short book by Patrick Rothfuss (The Narrow Road Between Desires). This dude is such a notoriously slow writer that it drives me crazy. He had the audacity to do an author’s introduction where he said this was an existing story of his, but he added 15k words to it. I’m like… what is that, a couple weeks? Write faster, you bastard!
And it’s not like this kind of attitude online has in any way made him self-conscious and led to us most likely never getting the conclusion to his series.
I love the idea of Rothfuss planning all day, coming up with the perfect next chapter in his life’s work, knowing just how to wrap up the intricate threads he’s woven. Then he boots up his laptop, slowly stretches and cracks his fingers. Just before he opens up his word processor to record his beautifully crafted prose, he decides to check out Lemmy for a few minutes. Then he comes across a random comment of mine saying how his fans are frustrated at his pace of writing, and just goes:
“I absolutely care about finishing the book… I feel bad about [not giving people what they want] all the time. It’s one of the things that’s fucking me up, I’m in a lot of therapy right now… I went from fiddling around with a book that I just liked to work on and I knew would never be published… then it’s like 'hey a million people are disappointed in you because they want this book. It’s not a great feeling. … If I didn’t care about the book, you’d have it by now… I owe everyone who loved the book something beautiful”
Literally, the pressure makes it harder for him to make the book he thinks the fans deserve.
Brandon Sanderson
Just finished his 4 secret project books. Also just finished the first Mistborn trilogy with my son and started in on the Wax and Wayne series with him (I’ve already read them). I freaking love me some Brandon Sanderson.
Nice. Yeah his prose is meh, but the world building, character writing, and volume are amazing. I’m in the middle of stormlight right now and loving it.
Stormlight is my absolute favorite series. Yeah, Sanderson doesn’t write as flowery as some authors, but that’s not what I’m looking for. I love how he puts together a whole world with a new magic system, history, religions, political climate, etc. Then is like, alright so that’s what the world was like hundreds of years ago, now let’s see what happens when they get guns and spaceships!
Branden Sanderson
He also does a friendly competition thing with his fans in his subreddit every year in November. He posts how many words he writes in a week and encourages others to post their word-count to see if anyone can keep up with his output.
Dudes a machine
as someone who had to do this stuff as a haze in college its doable but its hell without amphetamines
Isaac Asimov. The guy was a fucking robot.
Yeah, well, when you develop characters as much as he did, it’s manageable, I guess.
He did some good world building, though - don’t get me wrong, I feasted on the Hari/robot series several times over!
Then there was L. Ron Hubbard. Nobody spewed words like L Ron. Nobody wrote pulp like L Ron. Motherfucker could churn out a book in a day
I bet it was Stephen King’s idea.
Fuck that.
In which nation?
(Sadly not very active of a community yet)
That acronym sounds familiar, but I haven’t heard it in years. Totally forgot it existed.
API error trying to access that community
If your instance hasn’t “seen” it yet, you might need to find it in the search tool for it to show up.
its called NaNoWriMo
Nah, not writing month
I’m so dam good at that challenge.
Does anyone actually do any those challenges? I always thought it was a joke.
A lot of people do No Shave November, I assume anyone who says they do No Nut November is joking and I’ve never heard of the book one until now
The communities for both of those challenges are so far apart that I doubt anyone does both.
Does anyone actually do either though?
Can confirm, at least one person has done NNN and no shave november. It’s really easy, you just have to not do a thing and you’re set
deleted by creator
I’m doing no shave and trying to grow a beard. It’s not going very well lol, it looks like shit
It takes at least a month to get past the itchy and scraggly stage into something dignified.
Why are you guys doing this to yourselves?
Because From Software games aren’t hard anymore.
But I am.
NaNoWriMo? It’s a push to get that writing project out of your brain and onto paper, it’s super helpful for some people just to have something telling them to do the thing.
NNN? Test of self control. “I can quit any time I want” is something addicts say when they can’t quit any time they want. It’s also super easy; if it feels like masochism to not nut for more than a week, you’re addicted.
No shave november? Pure, unadulterated laziness.
I know I know. Not a lot of synonyms that start with N
Didn’t know about the novel one, but I already forgone NNN when doctors said it was bullshit.
National Novel Writing Month, often abbreviated NaNoWriMo, is an annual event encouraging people to finally write that novel they’ve always said they would. The goal is to write 50K words during the month. There are usually meet ups, writing workshops, and other gatherings so participants can encourage each other, share ideas, and generally have fun being part of a thing.
Edit to add: The “nation” is the USA I’m assuming. I’m in the USA and have only heard of it being a US thing. Presumably if you live somewhere else and want to write a book in November, the various online communities would be glad to have you though.
Great now I have to write a 50k word novel in 82 minutes.
You got this bro, I believe in you!
Some ridiculous percentage of all currently publishing novelists in the US have an MFA in literature or creative writing or something similar. If this makes you feel a little suspicious about how the publishing industry actually works, it should. It’s very much a closed ecosystem that’s all about recycling the tried and true and that is highly risk averse in terms of straying from the norm. This is why it’s almost impossible for “regular” people to get a novel published unless they self-publish.
Since when do you have to write a 50k novel?
They’re talking about National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo) which is November.
Also, 50k words is pretty short for a novel. It’s more of a novella.
Millennial problems
So is self-flagellation, if you’re into self-denial and masochism. Make of that statement what you will.
That doesn’t sound like self-denial. What are you denying? That sounds like an indulgence.
Illuminating manuscripts on vellum November
Why do Americans ruin everything?
It’s not no shave November is Movember. Moustaches for Novemeber. Optional sideburns but they can’t touch the moustache. Just like the cool old timers. It’s been very clear when this started what the rules were.
And it isn’t about doing it as a challenging it’s about raising awareness and money for testicular cancer.