Most people will choose the side of inaction as long as they’re comfortable enough. That’s something I don’t get with today’s oligarchs. They are just as stupid as they are greedy. If they hoarded just a bit less – if they were willing to live a lavish post-scarcity lifestyle while having as much money as a SMALL country rather than living a lavish post-scarcity lifestyle while having as much money as a midsize country – they could live the exact same day to day existence without the working class being up in arms and in love with CEO assassins.
In the movie of their life, the only difference would be the “high score” text at the top of the screen.
But I guess if you value a practical good life over unchecked avarice and ego, you probably aren’t cut out for the oligarch lifestyle.
Would you rather be lost in a strange canal with a random man or a random duck?