Without a doubt a 1970s rockstar
A spoiled rich kid. I want to have a life I’ll never know in this one, a life without real worry and to actually own a home. A life of stability and unlimited possibilities with all the time in the world to train for whatever I would want to do/become.
This life, living in someone else’s garage while still spending 1/2 of my income on rent and no hope for future advancement and knowing that the only financial stability possible would require marriage/a second income, and that it just isn’t in the cards is not a fun life.
You won’t have a memory of this live and as a spoiled rich kid you won’t enjoy all your privilege and take it for granted.
After 9 years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.
I don’t wanna remember nothing. Nothing. You understand? And I wanna be rich, you know someone important… like an actor.
(holy shit!)
I understand what you’re saying. I’ve been thinking of alternative timelines and all of the good ones involve being rich. I would do anything to live in a big fancy mansion with my boyfriend in somewhere warm and have so much money I could just go to any shop I want and buy whatever without thinking of the price. Every way you look at it being rich is ideal. This is why I would love to be a 1970s rockstar. Steady and huge flow of income, adoring fans, fame, endless opportunities, sexy groupies and all the drugs and alcohol you could want but I am stuck in my stupid, miserable life.
A migratory goose, so I could fly around to other countries! I love swimming too, so being an aquatic bird is a plus!
What about a seabird? Albatross would probably be the pick for travel, gannet for extensive swimming.
Since you said what and not who.
I’ll come back as an Autobot from Transformers. I’m thinking Fortress Maximus.
While we don’t have an exact height. Best numbers state 2,400 meters high or 7,874 feet. His head transforms into a tall Autobot and that head transforms into a human sized robot (actually it’s a human in an exoskeleton).
Fortress Maximus becomes a city when it transforms.
BTW the tallest building is the Burj Khalifa it’s height is 2,722 feet.
What about Unicron, but pre-destruction? He’s basically planet sized.
You are right I should have gone Unicron.
Definitely a fungus that grows huge under the earth and spouts a few fruiting bodies every one in a while.
Just leave me alone and unbothered to grow and eat, maybe with a few other fungi in the area so I can exchange signals with them.
I’m not going through this shit again
A cat, being spoiled and living in the countryside.
I’d take human again, I’d want another shot.
8 billion people, half of which live on less than $6.85 a day[0] and almost a billion that live under $2 a day.
Sure, roll the dice. This is the best life you’ve got though.
A human that is cisgender would be cool.
Honestly though, how would I appreciate it if I don’t keep memories?
A fancy house cat of a nice middle aged middle class white woman.
Okay, my mother’s cats. She pampers them a lot.
Jealous much?
Yes? She loves and dotes on her cats! Of course I am.
Human again but as a girl. Wanna know what it’s like
Giant Tortoise
A Limited Liability Corporation
As a literal class K star
Why would anyone want to be reincarnated? The world is descending into fascism and it won’t be liveable much longer anyway. When I die it better be fucking permanent.
Protozoa on the bottom of the ocean do not care about fascism. Protozoa just need nutrients.
I understand what you’re saying. I wish I was never born to begin with but life could be better. I mean, whatever the world descends to it doesn’t matter if you live on a private island in the Caribbean or Oceania.