I had a cat growing up I taught how to use handles. He could use lever ones. Never got use to circular ones or very heavy doors (like to the outside). Cats are resourceful!
I had a cat growing up I taught how to use handles. He could use lever ones. Never got use to circular ones or very heavy doors (like to the outside). Cats are resourceful!
Husband’s mother renovated the kitchen in the 90s and made it for her height. Which is my height. So that’s really nice. It also has a lot of electrical outlets which is nice.
I’ll help you hide the body to get a larian fallout!
Eey, I make apple butter! It’s great. I do know some places you can buy it though…roadside stands! Farmer stalls or markets. Though those may be more common here, being the garden state. Still better making it at home, get to pick the apples and how much you let it cook down!
I loved what Spore was, and I’m still sad and what it could have been. What we saw at the various shows.
Our tradition is to forget, hear fireworks, be annoyed at those, then remember I need to drain the beans and start the slow cooker to make hoppin john for the first meal of the new year.
Cheese in general. Chocolate as well. Clean water is a necessity, but I guess hot water on demand? While I like eating beef and chicken I probably wouldn’t be that sad overall if it went away.
I will cook some Cornish game hens, asparagus with garlic, mashed potatoes with garlic, maybe bread rolls. Dessert will be eggnog and chocolate peppermint cookies.
Canning pectin is with the canning jars!
Now, where those are is extremely confusing. Currently I think it’s near the sugars.
Ohno, my twin will see what games I play. Although they already get the friends popup saying what I’m playing when I start playing it.
They also wander into the computer room frequently to ramble at me so see what I’m playing them.
In short, we all play Dwarf Fortress and it’s not a secret.
I will be at home, cooking Cornish game hens while waiting for my twin to come home from work while I talk to my husband about what board game we’ll play after dinner.
Or that’s the plan. If sibling doesn’t get called in, it’s still the plan but with less waiting!
The year we all got the flu, probably, and threw up homemade tiramisu.
But it was only that. We don’t celebrate the holidays that heavily, me being Jewish. The most this year will be I’ll make the three of us some Cornish game hens as a treat.
But I love Lambchop!
It is a horrible earworm, very true.
Edit - Aww, not the Lambchop version.
I make cookies or canned jams, jellies, candied jalapeños. Edible so they will not clutter forever.
Everything that has yarn.
Yarn just seems to take over a home everywhere I’ve seen it.
Yes? She loves and dotes on her cats! Of course I am.
A fancy house cat of a nice middle aged middle class white woman.
Okay, my mother’s cats. She pampers them a lot.
I usually wrote a lot of scribbles for Stardew Valley, at least when trying to go for perfection.
Heaven’s Vault feels like it should have its own journal, but it really didn’t.
Sid Meier’s Pirates! could use a notebook at points or at least scrap paper.
Various convention floors. Mother would take me to her various fiber arts things, I’d get tired, I’d sleep under a table with my coat on me, or wrapped around my arms.
I’d explode if I slept on the floor these days.
I expect my mother and identical twin to remember my birthday. I hope my husband remembers, but would not be upset if he didn’t. (He’s never forgotten)