This is what I was gonna say
This is what I was gonna say
Today I learned the inxi command does so much more than I thought. I’ve only used it to check on my RAM once
I’d be good at first but then slowly get corrupted as I continue on feeling disconnected. The change will be so gradual thatI wouldn’t realize until it’s too late
Ever since I got home from getting kicked out of boot camp nothing feels real. Everything is on pause and I can’t enjoy my hobbies.
I liked manga and decided to buy some. But once I bought some I stopped enjoying it. I’ve always wanted a dirt bike, got that. Now I don’t even wanna ride it.
Fuck I’m usually good with grammar
Nintendo needs to burn. The fact they can just shut down whatever they want is disgusting and needs to be stopped.
It’s getting down voted because it’s not $600 it’s $400. Which is exactly how much the switch costed at launch. Well not exactly. The switch cost money to play online. So it’s actually cheaper
Risk of rain 2 is amazing if you like rogue like games.
Beyond 2 souls is good but the PC version is wack. They ruined the game by locking the movement when playing as the spirit Aiden. They turned it into a point and click which is so dumb because you miss so much from it. It’s literally not the same experience. Grab the PS3 version and emulate it. My personal favorite story focused game
Sorry didn’t even finish reading yet. You thought nier was repetitive?! Like maybe if you playing through it again to get the other endings but damn that first playthrough is a fresh experience. As you progress it feels like a different genre. Shit was great.
To be honest I’ve been using Linux for years and I still paste commands all the time. The only difference is that now when I am trouble shooting I know what command I need just not the options and how to use it
Forza horizon?
Last time I played was for the anniversary and I actually found an active outfit. Was nice and more active than I thought
I played the first one when it came out and I still liked the second.
I’ve been seeing a lot of people saying this on Lemmy! It warms my heart. I might just start playing it again
By yourself it can be rough. But if you join a squad that is active in voice chat people will usually help.
I’ve been saying the same thing! CS2 is the worst update to a game I’ve ever seen
Nope no mods. Just some plugins like mcmmo and a couple tweaks in the pupur.yml to make dolphins and bees ridable.
I’ve been keeping deep rock in my wishlist for a while now. Seeing your playtime I think I might finally buy it. It looks like something I’d have fun in
I have about 50 days played in my current server I have hosted… That server has only been up for about 1 years and 8-9 months. A good bit was AFK at farms though.
That’s pretty cool. Seems like a big undertaking tho