Drink more water, that’s my solution
I feel like drinking any more water will make me become a solution
But on a serious note if you are drinking lots of water but it’s coming out as clear piss and you still feel dehydrated you need more
waterelectrolytesAlso space your drinking out, chugging too much in a small amount of time can kill you from water toxicity or the brain swelling
Edit: corrected dangerous advice to proper advice
Also maybe talk to your doctor. Chugging a lot of water constantly and still being thirsty is a potentially a sign of diabetes.
It’s got what cramps crave
It’s got what crave cramps
Or just drink a bunch of vodka. That will help you piss.
Took me a minute to figure out the joke
I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice!
If this happens to you, it’s time to check your electrolytes! Cramping can be a sign of low potassium. Most healthy people should be aiming for 2g+ of potassium per day.
Popularly known food sources of potassium (like banana and avocado) aren’t super great in a pinch. Coconut water, or beverages like Electrolit / Pedialyte, do a better job. For your regular dietary intake, there are lots of foods better than banana and avocado at getting you the potassium you need.
This post brought to you by the fucking awful leg cramps I used to get when eating a low carb diet.
My remedy has always been to eat a banana every once in a while and drink a glass of water before bed.
Bananas aren’t that good of a source of potassium considering how much sugar they also contain. A kiwi has more potassium but also a ton of vitamin c, fiber, and enzymes that improve digestion of proteins. If you want a lot of potassium, a medium potato has twice as much potassium as a banana for a similar amount of calories, but from starch instead of sugar.
Potatoes are underrated sources of potassium. One medium potato has 920mg of potassium for 160 kcal.
There’s always W.H.O. ORS
Be careful though: Some of them are so tasty, you might end up overdosed, with kidney pains.
They also contain a lot of sugar. Sugar improves water intake for rehydration, but that’s not ideal if you’re drinking it often. I’d recommend Nuun tablets instead, which only have 1 gram of sugar.
Yea calf cramps are bad but have you ever had chin cramps
I’m scared to yawn bro. Oh my god it’s awful.
Fucking hell FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE THAT GETS THEM! I really thought I was alone as none of my friends ever had it. It get it roughly once a year and yeah it’s worse than calf cramps.
I even managed to get an armpit cramp once. Not so fun either.
It happens to me at least once a month. I’ll yawn more than once in a row and if I’m not careful they’ll get me.
Same. I had one hit me while I was out with a group once and everyone was looking at me like “wtf is wrong with you?”
Once a month? Oh damn, that sucks.
Chin cramp gang rise up. U remain the unicorn of the armpit cramp, that sounds agonizing, sorry for ur loss.
Thanks fam, thankfully it was only once (so far) and it wasn’t as bad as calf cramps, just a very awkward spot to get it.
Only when I’m with your mom lmao gottem
Well I had no idea that was even possible.
I pray for calf cramps, those are easy to deal with. Chin? Fuck fuck fuck no
FYI if you ever get leg cramp, completely straighten your leg, and flex your feet upwards, towards your shin. This will stretch your leg muscles and stop the pain almost immediately.
Used to happen to me quite a few times, esp. when being a kid doing lot of sports. Once I was afraid I would drown when getting leg cramp in the pool, but this method saved me.
It’s all fun & games until your shin muscles start to cramp as well…
I’ve gotten the Hamstring/quads combo cramp a couple times and falling over, screaming, and not being able to move is an experience.
Were your cramps so strong you could not control your muscles anymore? Asking about the pool thing. I have often had leg cramps and I retained full motor control.
Just stand up. Pain stops as soon as you put weight on the leg.
100%. I tried stretching and massaging before and it kinda worked for me but when I stand on it it immediately stops.
Calf overpowered me. Now I’m on tippytoes.
For me, that advice is absolutely useless. Now I’m standing, in more pain, that lasts longer.
It’s like if you step on shattered glass shards, the solution to your bleeding foot is to then jump in place. I’m good, thanks.
I was apout to suggest this, I get leg cramps semi often and this tip is a life saver.
You likely have a potassium deficit. I had cramps all the time until I took vitamin supplements that contain potassium. No more cramps.
Of course you can also just eat healthier and get potassium that way. Supplements aren’t necessarily the solution for you.
I have really severe Charlie horses and started potassium when I heard this, it helped slightly but magnesium is what did the trick for me.
The real answer is probably to talk to your GP about your issue.
I did and he was completely useless, he prescribed me baclofen which I take like tictacs and they do jack shit. He was out of ideas so I googled it and found out about magnesium. Got some “Calm” which is magnesium citrate and no more insane pain.
TIL that it’s called a charley horse in English
Jésus burro en español
Yeah magnesium is another common one that can cause cramps.
-Lack- of magnesium can cause cramps.
Supplementing magnesium can help lots of people since it is lacking in many people’s diets. It can also help you get more and better sleep, just avoid magnesium oxide, that will just make you poop and is unfortunately the form used in many supplements and multi vitamins.
I have Calm (https://naturalcalm.ca/) which is raspberry flavored magnesium citrate. Get it at Costco.
Yeah that’s what I meant, thanks for clarifying though.
Instructions unclear.
Ate the K and Mg pieces that the Chemistry teacher freshly sliced.
Also check out NuSalt, it’s a salt substitute that is pure potassium. Way cheaper than supplements, my local grocery store sells a container for under $2.
Well in my case I have those the next dai after drinking a lot of beer. I found out that I get them due to dehydration.
Glad I’m not the only one. This is always a moment of pure terror
I’ve had ones so severe I thought my tendons were going to snap, waking me up in the middle of the night and I’m screaming and doing sympathy whines pleading for mercy. I have genuine fear of the bed time calf and/or foot cramp.
I’ve had a couple like that. My wife went and got some salt and told and told me to eat it. Like maybe a 1/4 teaspoon. It was a lot, but it works I swear I could feel it start to relax in less than minute.
See my comment above. Instant relief, always works.
Bend your toes toward your face. Hop put of bed and plant your toes on the ground if you have to, then lean forward, push hard. That stretch will instantly unwind the muscle.
Your brain is going to tell you that’s the last thing it wants to do. Ignore it. Stretch.
There, your life is changed.
That use to happen to me a lot, but I haven’t felt that pain in a long time. I started doing yoga regularly which helps, but even without doing yoga, a lesson I learned from yoga prevents that situation in other cases. It’s about balance, so when you stretch your feet down, don’t stretch your feet down toe first, there is no balance there, stretch your legs down heel first, that way the back muscle is being pulled down and the front muscle is being pulled up with your toe, the two counteract each other and you will not get this cramping.
Seek balance in all things friends, including your muscles while you stretch.
But when it happened to me on the bed I was stretching heel first.
I like the feeling of having cramps. Sometimes I’ll deliberately over strain my leg muscles to induce cramps in my calf and feet. Idk it hurts but not in a I want this to stop way. I find it fun stretching them out when I get them. The only ones I don’t usually like are ones in my neck from yawning because it’s weird to have my face contacted
Who hurt you?
I can’t remember having the cramps in my jaw before, but this year I’ve had them multiple times. Until now they always last only a split second, but it still feels kinda scary to have muscles in your neck/face cramp up.
Near death experience
Sackboy ! :D
I miss LBP
Me too :(
OMG i am not alone and people have tips here,
I am so exited for part 2 of my life.
I get those in my thighs a lot
deleted by creator
Yeah its was scary the first couple times. Now just pisses me off because i like to think i keep hydrated and get enough electrolites.
I eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg, don’t smoke, drink moderately (1 drink 3 days a week) work out regularly and still get these. The worst is in yoga, when my feet cramp and I can’t do something. Calves in bed close second.
I thought it was from drinking or fasting but there seems no correlation. Age, maybe.
Could be magnesium deficiency.
Apparently the link between magnesium deficiency and cramps is shaky.
magnesium supplementation compared to placebo for treating idiopathic rest cramps […] Did not significantly reduce cramp frequency
Huh, TIL.
I did try taking magnesium- a few times over the years, but it gives me migraines. Like if I take it I wake up the next morning with a migraine. Which is considerably more painful than a leg cramp. Could look for foods with more of it, though, I guess. Good idea anyway, that is plausible.
It might simply be over-exertion. I get cramps when I walk a lot. Maybe your resting position already includes tension in your calves?
Calcium supplement really helps my leg cramps. I also take magnesium with the calcium, but maybe try just the calcium.
The comments under this post are proof that Lemmings have shit diets without proper electrolytes.
fr fr I feel like maybe the occasional banana might prevent this…?
Monkey never cramp.