It melts without splitting.
- Chef Voldemort
It melts without splitting.
- Chef Voldemort
Me and who? 🥺👉👈
Chillis are berries too.
They’re Londoners. Their hearts are already cold.
How else are you going to give money to them if you can’t discover games on sale?
What a bunch of wankers
Main problem is that now google requires developers of email clients to give $4000 in annual fees
Does this mean K9 will have to pay Google to support adding gmail accounts?
have never tried to launch a war on vague concepts.
Are you serious?
Wasteland from Fallout 3 is much more of a character in a game than Night City.
You’ll be safe under his golden arches
always thought Buddhist monks were holy lifelong devotees that never did any wrong.
I’ve only read the first book and wow it was dumb. I felt duped.
A civilization capable of building colony ships that can reach 1% speed of light and proton sized supercomputers were just sitting around waiting for a signal? Why haven’t these mofos built those ships already to reach a nearest star already? Just park those ships in Goldilocks’ zone and then start searching for other suitable planet to colonize or terraform.
Not to mention life on their planet gets wiped out constantly and yet intelligent life capable of spaceflight evolved there? Sorry, can’t buy it at all.
Just a jenga of unbelievable premises.
Yes, it’s called Windows 7.
Juyzt sprynkle some 'y’s and 'z’s whyle talking wyth them.
Don’t just ask for pics like that! Start charging for rating dicks. Yay capitalism!