Hope you don’t think Russia is communist…?
They’ve gone in a circle back to dictatorship so it doesn’t really matter
I was born behind the Iron Curtain, bruh. Of course I don’t, that’s what makes this meme funny.
It’s a failed state where the tinpot dictator who runs it is also a gangster who runs rackets out of all national industries. That’s the only kind of state that Communism has ever produced, so you might as well call it that.
Putin and the oligarchs were handed all the power they have now by people who overthrew the communist government of the RSFSR, not by the communists at all.
It’s present failure stems from the extreme poverty caused primarily by mass sell-off of government institutions and rapid privatisation, otherwise known as shock therapy, a common element in the rise of fascism.
“The 90s” were an absolute hell for a lot of people there. I know, because I was there.
Don’t get me wrong, the USSR was shit in many ways and did incredibly awful things in eastern europe, but to ignore the fact that present Russia is a fascist oligarchy and instead call it communism is not only ignorant of history, but it aids Putin sympathisers and fascists in the west, i.e. Musk, AfD, etc.
I think you’re talking past me a little. I’m saying the state of Russia now isn’t materially different from Cuba, Laos, North Korea et al
I mean, yeah? If you generalized enough lots of things can be said to not be materially different, and that’s not invalid, but this state has fundamentally different causes and elements and therefore can’t be lumped together, lest we make the mistake of ignoring the lessons of history.
Oh boy, that’s what’s gonna happen in America right?
I don’t really see a difference between then and now
Nice one! It’s honestly too bad they didn’t actually call it Putastation or Putabox! Putabox would have been even better IMO. That would have been so hilarious!
The Puya
Interestingly, Gorelkin emphasized that the console should not merely serve as a platform for porting old games but also for popularizing domestic video games.
Apparently state-subsidized efforts have not yet popularized appropriate domestic games on their own.
Interestingly, Gorelkin emphasized that the console should not merely serve as a platform for porting old games
How the fuck does the Russian government have better priorities than Sony.
Geopolitics aside, this is at least quite interesting
Is it, really? Sounds pretty much exactly how I would’ve imagined a Russian made gaming console would go.
Edit: I thought the implication was clear, seems it wasn’t, so let me rephrase! It looks exactly as shitty as I expected a Russian made console to be.
I like setting what people can throw together out of weird bits and bobs like an architecture I’d never even heard of
I’m not sure if you’re into spaceflight but SpaceX caught a booster with a pair of chopsticks. It went exactly how you would expect it to go and was interesting as hell. There’s probably a lot of things that go the way they’re supposed to but I don’t think that is what takes away from it being interesting. Also different strokes for different folks.
I thought the implication was clear, seems it wasn’t, so let me rephrase! It looks exactly as shitty as I expected a Russian made console to be.
Oh yeah, definitely looks shit, that doesn’t mean it’s not interesting though!
Well, really depends on your definition of interesting. Or what exactly you think is interesting about the news. The information itself might be interesting, but the console is anything but interesting.
Putin releases the RuskieStation. It’s fine. Not awesome or anything. Shortly after, Yum! Co. finally releases the KFConsole. Plays every game, even ones from the future, at 8k in real time FPS while also cooking an entire KFC meal for you. For only $299. Russia’s economy collapses. Putin is banished to the shadow realm. Somehow this also leads to peace in the middle east.
With blackjack and hookers !
Needs more pink, because they’re out of boys and men to play on it.
Bro caught lacking
Yes, but can it run Doom?
Knowing our “sovereign” projects, no. No, it cannot.
Don’t get me wrong, there is some really cool tech stuff we create, but whenever it gets political, it’s just theft of budget money. Nothing actually gets created.
Doesn’t even make it worth mentioning when listing the crimes of current day Russia.
On the performance side of things, Elbrus has nothing to write home about based on benchmarks that have largely found it “completely unacceptable” for most tasks.
(in a linked article) The testers cited “Insufficient memory, slow memory, few cores, low frequency. Functional requirements not been met at all” as key reasons for the failure.
Elbrus-8C: 8C/8T, 1.30 GHz, 16MB L3, 70W TDP, quad-channel DDR3-1600 memory, 28nm, 250 FP64 GFLOPSIt can probably run Doom, but likely won’t run Crysis.
The other console, “MTS Fog Play”, is just cloud gaming
It comes with a monthly gaming subscribtion service ”Kremlinpass”. All games obviously pirated.
“It is obvious to everyone: Elbrus processors are not yet at the level required to compete equally with the PS5 and Xbox, which means the solution must be unconventional.”
That unconventional approach could involve either simplifying games to the degree that Elbrus CPUs can handle (the Russian audience still has access to world-class games and would likely not play those ‘simplified’ games)
Oh, let’s not be hasty. Nintendo has had great success with underpowered consoles, and Tetris (Тетрис) is a shining example of this sort of thing. :)
this sorta outlines the reason the idea of getting rid of capitalism completely makes no sense. The government being involved with making a gaming console? Non necessary things can be based on who has the most points or whatever.
Seeing as how the US Army had created America’s Army as a recruitment tool, I could see that also being why this game console is being made. As a military recruitment vessel.