• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024

  • No, I never said fame is the only thing worth pursuing or that it is even the most important or common. I would put scientific, medical, artistic or civic/political achievement before fame.

    Sometimes having goals that are easier to reach can make you more happy.

    See that I can understand, obviously I’m a no one from bumfuck nowhere, I’ll settle for living comfortably, having friends, a partner, a successful career and free time, and I think I can make peace with that.

    But it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t throw it all away if I could swap to being an adored millionaire celebrity living in a mansion in Hollywood.

    I do have the ambition, I’m just being realistic.

    On the other hand:

    And yes, there are many people who don’t have huge ambitions and that’s ok.

    This I don’t understand. Of course it’s okay you numpty, I never said otherwise, I just said I don’t understand why or how this comes about, so if you’re one of those people I’d like to hear about your experiences and why you are the way you are.

  • Uh, Yeah? Who tf wouldn’t lol. To be loved and adored by millions, to earn millions from that, it defies comprehension that some even have it that good.

    When I had a YT of like 2k subs and had an OF thing going, I had weird dudes who spammed me their life stories in insta dms day in and day out, I admit - not the most pleasant interaction - it was still a helluva an ego boost.

    Fame is generally an amazing thing desired by damn near everyone. You ever seen the kind of crazy shit people do for 5 seconds of it on TV? I could never, but maybe that’s my loss.

  • He’s using windows.

    But while we’re on the subject, ~/.local/share is cancer and shouldn’t exist.

    The appropriate path is /usr/share.

    EDIT: Okay to be clear I mean that anything that could be global should go into /usr/share and massively save on space and effort if another user needs the same stuff.

    Anything that doesn’t need to be global doesn’t need to go into /use/share but somewhere else in ~/.

    The way it is now my ~/.local is a massive dumping ground of crap from configs to static app resources that should go into /usr/share to entire applications with snap or flatpak (why I don’t use them) to random config files.

    It’s just a nasty mess on my home partition when it in most cases really doesn’t need to be.

    Users below rightfully pointed out many exceptions like venvs and while I still believe there should be a more correct place for them to go e.g. (~/.venv, ~/.flatpak), but obviously they shouldn’t go into /usr/share willy-nilly.

    I have removed the sass below because I should’ve been more comprehensive in my criticism before ad-hominem.

  • Can’t wait for the glorious clusterfuck of a CA-EU-UK-CN-JP trade aliance. Even Russia would be neutered, possibly NK too because both ultimately depend on China. If SK follows Japan, there won’t be an NK anymore. Putin’s regime will collapse as his wartime economy implodes, while EU gets it’s cheap gas back plus cheap Chinese EVs too smoothly transition.

    EU could ensure it’s own security through independence from the very nation it needed to protect it (US). This would also basically completely contain Trump too.

    Rip up the US copyright/patent laws and stimulate the economy, cut off support for US vassals like Israel, cut the US off from Five Eyes, and if they do so much as peep, no more cheap shit and we put nukes in Canada.

    Polish cavalrymen riding alongside English royal guards rattling sabers of glorious Chinese steel.

    Daily Military exercises off the coast of Taiwan, but to the south-east of Taiwan :)))

    Probably hopium though. EU itself will splinter before long.