For Daily Fail article? Don’t hold your breath.
For Daily Fail article? Don’t hold your breath.
What is with Americans and paper cheques? I haven’t seen one for at least a decade.
It is called London Underground (or Tube), so there is that.
That would be genious if it didn’t need an open window.
Pass, no idea. There appears to be a European Court of Justice ruling saying that you are entitled to sell individual pieces of software and Steam cannot stop you from doing so, ie their EULA is invalid in this regard.
But I am not aware about any legislation which would force them to create a mechanism for you to do so. I have only googled the entire thing out of curiosity.
I guess it is easier with GoG games, you can just copy them to someone else’s pc, delete from your machine and it is sorted, someone else can use them.
The Court said the exclusive right of distribution of a copy of a computer program covered by the license is “exhausted on its first sale”.
The ruling means that gamers in European Union member states are free to sell their downloaded games, whether they’re from Steam, Origin or another digital platform - no matter what End User License Agreement has been signed.
The ruling continues: “Therefore, even if the licence agreement prohibits a further transfer, the rightholder can no longer oppose the resale of that copy.”
And then
You are replying to the wrong person
###the culture war is a beautiful thing
The culture war is what divert attention from the real issues of your country:
###the fake news media is just mad
Spreading public lies with the intention to mislead the public should be a criminal offence. Guess what? Many people using phrase “fake news media” would end up in prison
###im just a patriot
I would use a completely different word to describe you.
So I’m European and am aware that American culture is very different in many ways. Idk if this is just some type of thing about American culture and mentality in general that has always been there
Observing USians and debating them on social media, I am more and more of the view that substantial proportion of them are properly, certifiably insane.
And it doesn’t apply only to MAGA nutjobs, it applies across the political divide and often starts with complete and utter contempt for facts.
A dog. A man. And a fish.
I am not a native speaker and yet I have no issue with understanding his comment.
You may have mistaken him with your wife?
Try advocaat, it is delicious:
What is that?
I guess neither of us are any kind of American.
This is the way I see it as I often see “ohh, that was rude, be nice” from Americans (not necessarily just here).
You should not do that. It’s cheap and you are devaluing your part of the discussion
I disagree. It is factual and helps to put things in the relevant proportion.
If it were real life, you would occasionally earn yourself a fistful of attitude readjustment
I am doing the same in the real life, although I found out people are much less willing to pretend they don’t understand the argument when it is verbal so it doesn’t happen often. I have never been into a fight since my teenage years.
Yeah, no. I disagree with the “respectful” part. I am finding it as an attempt to further americanise the discussion.
If after debating a guy for a few posts I can see that he either doesn’t understand what he is talking about or, more often, he is pretending not to understand, I will call him a fucking idiot. Adults should be able to take it.
though with a much more strict stance against allowing misinformation/conspiracy/etc
Facts are sacred and freedom of speech is not a freedom to lie.
I am all for moderating outright lies. I am strongly against mods removing views they disagree with under the pretence of “trolling” or other made up reason.
Yes, we need more
This. Too many mods don’t understand their role and mistake it with being a censor. While I don’t think I have seen it in this particular sub (or at least I don’t remember seeing it) , I have definitely seen it in the others.
It is called “flavour”