2022 years ago? So this must be Christ reincarnated.
No no. Jesus was born on 0AD. This kid was born on 2AD. Jesus would have been 2 years old, so he hadn’t yet died.
Whats more concerning, is this is being posted by one of the kids parents. Which means THEY were born sometime in BCE. Which means they were alive and old enough to have kids when Jesus was born.
And also, why are they threatening their kids life?
I thought Jesus was born a few years after his official birth year though?
About 34 years later, yeah. But it was also 40 days after his death. Making Jesus a zombie. Or, alternatively, it makes religion as a whole self admitted bullshit. Your call, christians.
There are other options besides those two, like not having accurate historical records to know the actual date of birth and death, so that there are lots of conflicting accounts.
I agree that religion in general is a crock used by charlatans to control people.
But I suspect that this isn’t the gotcha you think it is, especially because I don’t think that the precise dates really matter to the religion.What? No, Jesus was a Lich
A small correction and „fun fact“: there is no year zero. 1 BC is followed by 1 AD. Consequently things like the turn of the millennium happen a year after we celebrate them. But people found that weird.
Sounds like that just means 0 AD = 1 BC rather than there not being a 0 AD. Could have -1000 AD, too.
that’s ISO. if you’re putting the AD, 0 is not valid. the BC is specifically there because -AD isn’t a thing.
The disturbing answer to both of your questions is drinking blood of children keeps you young. It’s all about adrenochrome and you can but shouldn’t google it
So THAT’S why republicans want to ban abortion, and why mitch mcconnell just WON’T die already.
“We will raise your kid”, sure you will “raise” them
Raise them right into their mouth.
Raise as in how you raise a wine glass to drink from it afterwards.
Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder and derealization
Interesting. This is probably what makes people, who would normally not kill or do other horrible acts, to do so in conditions of extreme distress and then later have a feeling of it never have actually happened, making them still be able to live life with about the same personality as before.
It’s long debunked and today a conspiracy theory
Well, it does say “15 or fewer subjects”.
So, not much of an expectation
And also, why are they threatening their kids life?
Probably some Biblical mumbo-jumbo.
I’ve never seen a post with zero upvotes…did you un-upvote your own post???
Yes, that’s possible to do.
You can even downvote your own post. Like here
Damn. That kid is fucking oooooold!
His days are numbered, though.
I mean, if he’s 2022 years old he probably doesn’t have much time left. 💔
That’s a pretty big number, though.
He looks so young for his age.
He doesn’t look a day past 80
When you’re least expecting it… I will be there. Watch your back… for the tickle monster. And his knife… of love
Sounds like a detective Pimento quote
Might not be a native English speaker.
I am fairly certain math and time are well understood concepts in non- English speaking cultures
Idioms and phrasing in English are not.
What’s the literal meaning of “his days are numbered”?
There are multiple references to this in the Bible. This is the most uplifting one I found.
Psalm 90
10 Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
11 If only we knew the power of your anger! Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due.
12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
13 Relent, LORD! How long will it be? Have compassion on your servants.
14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
You think a person who doesn’t speak English has read the Bible in English?
What’s the literal meaning of the words?
sorry to revive a dead thread but this was bothering me.
your days are numbered = /literally/ means not just that your life is finite, but the length of you time remaining is basically known, it has a number, a non-negative integer.
You’re almost there, but not quite
It means that you can place a specific number on the number of days left in a person’s life? I’m not sure I understand the question because the meaning of this one is pretty easy to see. Normally it is unclear when your death will be, but if someone tells you that your days are numbered they are implying that they possess the exact knowledge of what number of days you have left to live. They don’t usually mean that literally but the literal meaning is pretty clear.
It means that you can place a specific number on the number of days left in a person’s life?
Or the number of days since their birth? That’s the simpler explanation.
“Those apples are numbered” = “we know how many apples there are right now”
If you don’t know the context, you could easily assume that’s the meaning.
Or the number of days since their birth? That’s the simpler explanation.
“Those apples are numbered” = “we know how many apples there are right now”
No, that does not make equal literal sense to what I said. Because days that are in the past are gone, we don’t have them anymore. We refer to moving through time as “killing” time or as “losing” time, in English we don’t tend to think of the past as something we currently have. The future is something we have or will have, the past is something we had and no longer have.
We refer to moving through time as “killing” time or as “losing” time, in English we don’t tend to think of the past as something we currently have.
Exactly! In English! Which this person does not know!
What’s the meaning of “pulling your leg” vs the literal definition?
Exactly! In English! Which this person does not know!
You seem to be getting pretty confused here. We’re talking about the literal meanings, that is to say the ones that someone who doesn’t have a strong grasp of English should know. Metaphors and idioms and so on are famously difficult for those without a strong grasp on the language, but I am arguing that this is not one of those. This is a phrase with a straightforward literal meaning, unlike such phrases as “pulling your leg.”
Could be right, but there’s google translate. If he’s posting in English seldom then better use it.
If he’s posting in English seldom then better use it
The irony of being a dick about someone’s English and fucking it up yourself
I did not attain negative vibe from that post.
Hey, it checks on google translate. I’m no English speaking either
Yeah, Google translate doesn’t actually work well. If you can speak any English, it’s probably better to do it yourself, even if it’s not your first language
I believe that’s a threat sandwich.
Poor boy, in addiction to have a questionable reasoning father now he’s on Lemmyshitpost and who knows where else. That adds up to the senile problems
You said “in addiction”.
Who isn’t
Chazz : Mind-bottling, isn’t it?
Jimmy : Did you just say mind-bottling?
Chazz : Yeah, mind-bottling. You know, when things are so crazy it gets your thoughts all trapped, like in a bottle?
Plus his father his making not so veiled treaths to his life.
Are you treathening me?
Don’t know, I’m just counting someone days
2+0-2+2 - checks out.