What about me? I’m the opposite. I say EVERYTHING is wrong!!! Not just with me, but with you too. The whole world just seems like a massive dumpster fire.
Everythings wrong with everything and everybody. Fuck Earth!
What about me? I’m the opposite. I say EVERYTHING is wrong!!! Not just with me, but with you too. The whole world just seems like a massive dumpster fire.
Everythings wrong with everything and everybody. Fuck Earth!
…what is a “girly dog”??? That makes no sense. Any dog could be either gender.
If you had pittbulls, would they see it was a female, and try to call your dog a bitch? I mean, by definition it would be true, but funny enough you never see that…
Counter counter point…I’m watching you make stew!!!
My sister got pregnant back in 2011. So I got her the book and audiocd of “Go the fuck to sleep”.
She did NOT find it funny.
Well this took a turn…
No! Nerds are cool, and I like them a lot!
How about “fuckwit”?
Is it dangerous? What if the bears wake up?
God damn that works on so many different levels!
Canada, England, Australia, the moon.
Any of these are better than here.
Have you SEEN the price of eggs???
“Should I still be friends with my ex?”
Forget the rest. She’s your ex, and for that reason alone, no. There’s a reason she’s your ex. Keeping her around just makes it harder for you to get over her.
All that other stuff is just complications on top of the fact that she’s your ex.
This would be AMAZING advertising campaign. Create fully completed game. Cancel that “almost finished” game. Developers take 2 month paid break with their only job being to seem like they’re out of work, and willing to do interviews with the press about the game. Then, hype up the game, talk shit about your employers, tell the media your employers made a huge mistake canceling that game. Readers get mad that this game got TAKEN AWAY from them. Company sees public outcry, and so they…release the game. Sales skyrocket.
Meanwhile all you really did was give your talented staff a break, and boosted your reputation with them about feeling valued. Used the media as free advertising, and made record profits while making the public feel that their outcry was heard. Thus improving your relationship with the customers.
I don’t like this TV show. Change the channel! The show is so depressing that I don’t want to watch. I mean, can you imagine living that way? It would be infuriating!
The one in the blue hat is actually Weird Al, if you can believe that.
Can you believe that? Is society dumb enough to believe that level of bullshit?
It’s totally Weird Al. Coolio and Weird Al famously have always been the best of friends, with nary an arguement or disagreement between them ever…
A mess.
Teach your cat how to wash it’s vomit.
Oh! Mr Wiskers! Did you vomit on the carpet??? Go get the cleaning bucket!
No, I don’t care. You’re cleaning this!
Yeah, you’re gonna think twice about doing this again, aren’t you?
Pssshhhh!!! I’m not bailing you out. Now clean this up!