What movie do you want made? If you got a pitch meeting with a producer and a guaranteed green light, what would you say?
Damn, looks like our suspicious are confirmed. Hollywood is genuinely out of ideas
No they’re not. They have plenty of brilliant people with lots of creative ideas. The problem is that the suits would rather make the 20th sequel than take the tiniest bit of risk.
4 guys in university put themselves though school by becoming hitmen. It all goes smoothly till a hit comes in on the Dean of their school.
Speed 3, the moped that couldn’t slow down.
Setting: Bangkok.
Starring Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper.
Villain is Ken Jeong.Buddy cop movie starring Snoop Dogg and Jeff Goldblum but neither of them are given a script so they have to ad lib the whole thing.
I so hope someone in Hollywood is working on this
Sounds like Will Arnett’s Murderville
The Bible as a Manga series by non-Christians or Christians with no need to soap it over. Raw and gritty in the way it was originally described. Old Testament level action stories.
So people strangely know the entire Bible without a hint of religion being demanded. Post-theology, post-religion in a way that people might understand the idea of an egalitarian world coming out of an absolute quagmire.
It’s about a family which is under a curse that makes them die young. But it turns out the curse is actually just the millionaire family patriarch stealing organs from his descendants so he can live longer. And it ends with him locking himself in a panic room because his children and grandchildren form a mob to kill him. But what he doesn’t know is that his emergency supply of immunosuppressants has been removed, so he dies a painful death as his body rejects its foreign parts while they have him trapped.
For legal purposes this is not based on the life of any actual living man with too much money who pumps out kids like it’s his reason to live.
Downsizing, with the trailer being the pitch.
POV cave movie using go pros and whatnot. You can play off the claustrophobia where the main character dies in the end
Zombie movie but the zombie’s perspective. The whole life cycle: human to zombie to death. Play off the body transformation horror, the gore and the zombie’s instinct to survive
The movie V/H/S 2 pretty much combines your ideas in a short called “A Ride in the Park”
Damn alright how bout a “I’m 14 and this is badass movie” where an airplane crash leaves an average man stranded in an island but heres the kicker the island was a military experiment testing area years ago so all the wild life has turned into a more berserk version of themselves
Sounds a bit like the second Jurassic Park
Wasn’t that the one with Tom Hanks and a cannibalistic volleyball? They had to trim it down for American audiences and changed most of the terror into “feel good”, but yeah, pretty sure that’s the one.
Damn next you’re going to tell me they already made a horror movie about a giant, man-eating shark too
Take a look at Warm Bodies.
Nice try, Hollywood!
Well they have very clearly run out of ideas and the internet has very clearly made that obvious too so who better to ask right?
Guaranteed green light? I’d say it’s going to be a SURPRISE, I need an advance.
A set of interwoven stories, the main being a love story. At the very end, right as everything is coming together, the planet explodes and as the screen zooms out to show the death star next to a debris field music begins to play… looking for love in Alderaan places
Bomb squad movie where the bombs are wired to Jenga towers.
A sequel to Team America: World Police where Vladimir Putin is the main villain.
A “buddy cop” comedy movie starring Russell Crowe and Gerard Butler in which they’re firefighters who have to actually, physically fight the fires with their fists.
Writer can’t think of anything so he turn to social media for ideas. He steals one, lands the job… hilarity ensues? Or maybe murder? Depends what’s hot at the moment.