Everyone deserves to be mocked
Everyone deserves to be mocked
Thanks. I hate it
Someone else has said Baldurs Gate 3, and I second that. Great game.
Not sure if automation/building is exactly your tastes, but satisfactory is a good one.
Absolutely. The problem is the shareholders are probably mostly boomers, and they’re worried about their own profits, not profits for their kids or grandkids.
There’s something fishy going on and I don’t like it
This is from Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, isn’t it?
Lawmakers, or at least those advising them, know plenty about theft and all its different flavors. Why do you think rich people theft like fraud is punished so much more lightly than poor people theft?
That is an appeal to authority, but not a fallacious one. Lawmakers know a lot about how and why people steal. Fallacious appeal to authority is when the authority you’re talking about has no knowledge of the topic, for example quoting a psychologist on nutrition advice.
Orks have so much unrealized reality bending power. One time one of them thought the spaceship was getting too hot, so he opened a window to get a cool breeze. And because it’s orks, they didn’t immediately get sucked into the vacuum of space.
My parents always told me that “Santa is the guy who gives out lollies at the shops”. I always knew that parents gave the gifts.
In defense of this, there are situations where it’s good advice. Bullies that only use insults and social pressure are easily dealt with this way. Find a friend group with no connection to them, then ignore them to get rid of anything they can use against you. This is basically how I dealt with the people bullying me at school.
But I agree, if they do anything beyond insults and social pressure, you need some way of confronting them or leaving them entirely.
Because it feels like boomer humor trying to parody unions while ignoring the difference
It’s quarter to nine. Time to have a bath.
Time is a tool you can put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist
I think most people who actually work in software development will agree with you on those things. The problem is that it’s the marketing people and investors who disagree with you, but it’s also them who get to make the decisions.
A. Please tell me exactly where I said Biden was anything more than a mildly less shit alternative to Trump. And please tell me where I was saying support the genocide, rather than support one of the people who supports the genocide.
B. I have not been talking about what Biden should have done. I have only been talking about what voters should have done.
A. I hate to do this, but
The audience I wish to reach doesn’t need their hand held as a child
Strawman, saying that this is about “leading people like they’re children” not “clear and effective communication as equals”
B. What I’m talking about is proactively sharing your views, both to save time on questioning and to fill gaps that others would have never thought to ask about. Please, tell me why this isn’t a needed part of discussion.
The point of teaching is sharing knowledge, not just poking holes in whatever argument you can (intentional hyperbole, not strawman)
The point of learning fallacies isn’t so that you can just name them and feel like you’ve made a point.
Instead of just “strawman, therefore you’re wrong” and leaving it at that, how about you explain what was incorrect in that statement. That way you become more understood, and everyone understands you more.
This isn’t a courtroom debate. This isn’t a debate you “win” or “lose”. This is a debate where everyone should be trying to understand each other, so that everyone ends up better off by the end. This sort of debate is a cooperative thing, not competitive.
That’s the question I answered.
Which would you rather support?
Pick one or give an alternative and a good reason that it will have some effect.
The lesser evil in this situation is genocide without all the other shit, and supporting that is therefore damage control
Paperwork is only a job if you’re a lawyer or an accountant.