Simpsons did it
I’m glad you beat me to it. Outstanding bit.
y’all forgot
can’t forget it. i like the sound of it.
This is an actual product:
They’re called “Blast Diverters” or “Blast Projectors”, and they’re technically a safety device that directs the sound waves from gunfire downrange, reducing the impact on the user’s ears without falling afoul of the restrictions on suppressors.
This is how you kill multiple people with a single pistol shot: you put the loudencer and shoot the guy you shooting, but you also kill two guys around him from the sheer shock
The keeptherentlowificator
Got the attachment for shooting down police helicopters?
Everybody printing guns, so yawn Wake me up when they printing anti air missiles
“Anti air missile! anti air missile! Well Lah di dah Mr French man”
“well what do you call it”
“a sky hole”
Actually, something that focused the report forward in a narrow wave would be super useful.
That exists as a product you can buy. They call them “Blast Diverters” or “Blast Projectors”:
Handheld Blunderbuss.
As opposed to the horse mounted blunderbuss?
Just aim it in the general direction of your target and if you don’t hit them at least you’ll permanently damage their hearing
(Suppressed shotgun joins the chat)
But I’m angry now