I will say once more in clearer terms, I do not sincerely believe in this idea - in any form. You seem to want there to be a serious discussion here but this is a shitposting community and after this clarification I will resume acting accordingly.
biting the fart bubbles in the bathtub
I will say once more in clearer terms, I do not sincerely believe in this idea - in any form. You seem to want there to be a serious discussion here but this is a shitposting community and after this clarification I will resume acting accordingly.
Thanks, I wish you ill.
It is not a serious opinion, but if I’m going to defend it the first thing I’ll say is that it’s meant to be the inverse of physiognomy.
Roald Dahl was right.
Raves still exist? Damn
Coping with humour has its downsides, but I’m definitely getting funnier.
The only question is, is it stupid enough
It appears legit anyway. Haven’t seen any posts in that !c from the usual trolls, it’s only funny people now
It’s a little cringe in retrospect, but I really liked my time with Makai Kingdom. Avoid if anime stuff isn’t your bag.
Ico had some interesting ideas that are worth a look.
Rogue Galaxy was pretty okay.
Psychonauts deserves a mention, though it’s kind of obvious.
Red Faction had cool political leanings for a game of that era.
You’ve got heaps of great suggestions already so I’ll leave it at that.
Who bro opps 💀
I’m honestly just jonesing for some Split/Second, looks like it’s still not there yet!
It appears to have been a skateboard.
Thanks for the newsletter! I am not good with fediverse how do I like and subscribe… Your talk of emulation on the deck awoke something in me. I checked and yes, it appears you can emulate 360 on it too.
I was interested in the rest, but this has driven every other thought out of my head. I don’t even know how to make breakfast in this state. I’m a wreck.
I forgot they did a PSP one. Never got my hands on it, had no idea. Sounds like my kind of game though, I mostly do fast missile builds because I’m too busy dodging everything to bother with aiming.
Oh god, I’d successfully suppressed all memory of this guy. One more brick from my sanity’s Jenga tower…
…Is it like a sex position? 😕
It can be intimidating at first, but it really is one of the easiest AC games yet. Maybe the easiest. VaatiVidya did a good deep dive on how to get to grips with it though.
And yes, I know Elden Ring is in much the same way touted as From’s “easiest souls game yet” but I still suck at it so no judgment if it never clicks for you.
All good ^^
I am wrong, you won an internet argument! Congrats, this is the end of your quest.