Except for that brief period where you turned up 2 years late to the party and proceeded to take all of the credit. Yes.
Ah, the old shit wank
Hitler was also whacked out of his mind on methamphetamine most of the time, just like this jackass
Tranalation: “Work Will Set You Free” written above the entrance to Auschwitz.
The moon looks awfully big, and angry, today
She’s clearly not a listerated pepsin gum girl
Anyone can lookup prices, please show me where on those prices it shows a volume or weight of coffee that you can expect to receive. Unless it shows that, you can’t compare shit.
You also don’t know what a straw man argument is.
This was clearly an opportunity lost, objectively speaking.
LOL do you think Dunkin Donuts give a flying f about one customer possibly coming back in the future and maybe buying an extra coffee some time because they got a bit extra?
The cashier is doing what they’ve been told to do by their minimum wage, shitty job and f them for not breaking the rules and maybe even getting fired for not giving a stranger free coffee?
It’s just a saying, calm down.
It’s a thin line between celebrating indigenous cultures and heritage and exploiting it. The Washington Redskins being something I feel everyone can clearly see was over that line, but wearing a sombrero is clearly nowhere near it.
Don’t be silly, thongs have nothing to do with Australia, they were invented in the 19th Century by Frenchman Philippe Follope.
Upvoted for Zoroastrianism
Could be worse
Looks like a bad case of Graft Vs Host he’s got there.
B is for Bergen-Belsen