Also, take it from a squid- clams don’t meditate. They’re big gooey messes of anxiety in a shell.
I don’t know, clam meditation sounds pretty chill
You would think so, but they’ve got no chill. They spend all day on Clambook getting worked up about things and clamscrolling.
Sounds like squid propaganda!
Hey, you don’t have to take my word for it. Go talk to a clam. Just approach carefully because many of them have AR-15s these days.
The Israeli Navy had to take out an entire school of dyslexic salmon chanting “from the sea to the river”.
Nah, they’re on instaclam.
Clams seem pretty happy, at least enough that there’s a whole expression about it
Oh yeah turn up the heat and humidity and drink some hot milk, in a robe preferred for ultimate zen
Idk, isnt any shellfish meditation antisemetic?
People are like piranahs on Lemmy when it comes to anything ad-adjacent lol. It’s good to be vigilant, but damn, not EVERYTHING is something, lol. Honestly, getting all riled up over an ad someone saw in a subway and was amused by is pretty shellfish of them…
and who’s to say this is actual data, and not just some intern spitting out some idea
Sirs can I please have your attention!
These days we’re outraged almost exclusively by AI. Please proceed to re write your comments, assuming the image was made entirely by a computer and OP is a bot.
Riled up? Are you sure?
Well you couldn’t tell now lol, but when I commented, about 25% of the comments were accusing OP of being a corporate shill or similar “you’re just giving Spotify free advertisement” stuff.
Time makes fools of us all I suppose!
There’s nothing in Spotify’s ToS that says you can’t be a clam and use their service
The classic Air Bud legal defense
“immortalized” is a strong word for an ad that stays up for maximum a month long
Well it will live on for immortality online.
The world needs more clam meditation.
I thought the typo was going to be ‘calm mediation’ at first and just thought it would be lawyer ASMR.
Those 2019 people were just another year away from finding out what an actually crazy year looks like.
2020 enters the chart
Hold my beer
I would not care and I tell you why, I did not understood why the same thing was written twice I had to read the title again in order to pay more attention and realize what the problem was !!!
You might be dyslexic!
Also that playlist might be yours.
They’re big gooey messes of anxiety in a shell.
OP is saltier than the clams.
Dude, have you ever talked to a clam?
Yes, i am a cunning linguist.
The mollusc type of clam, not the lady front bottom type of clam!
I am not into beastiality, sir.
Spotify is making money off that typo.
What if it’s not typo, but actual playlist for meditating clam?
8 million is dramatically underselling how many people live in the metro area - that’s only the city limits.
In the immortal words of NOFX clams have feelings too.
Now we are talking about their ad.
Clam down there brother
isn’t that a picture of a scallop?
Hey pal 👋, listen friendo, when I read your comment, I immediately started touching myself. Hope I can touch you next. Over and out.