Maybe we need to give an offering of Viagra if we want Jesus to come again.
Maybe we need to give an offering of Viagra if we want Jesus to come again.
Look, if they did that to Jesus they will do the same or worse to you without batting an eye.
I saw highway 99 and my brain said close enough.
Sea Tac Story
That girl had a crab ran on her last party.
Annexed Canadians is pretty good tho.
Lost Scandanavians would be more accurate but.
My take: death was preferable to living in the world his dad controled.
Go peruse the old testament and realize ypu would get demonitized for reading it aloud on youtube.
Pervertus inceptus romanus
Open to everything except the concept of unix.
Open windows with no screens to keep the bugs out.
Given that this problem is given during corporate interviews … it probably screens for the requisite level of sociopathy.
But what is philosophy really?
So the lesson is be the first to market pull the lever?
Are the 5 people on the opposong trolley worthy of death? Will killing them outweigh losing my loved ones?
Or is the one loved one ill save my really hot 1st cousin?
Because with the rest of the family dead, we can live happily ever after without any annoying incest complaints.
I ban trolleys. Everyone walks.
Big Money! Big Prizes!
They have all gone to live happily on a farm.