Can’t find that one on the chart 🤔
That still doesn’t explain what the grade is measuring - what’s the difference?
Extra virgin is like a 12yo living in normal modern day family and not attending the church (which is arguably a tautology, but I digress). The one without “extra” did one or two virgin births; still cool but not that fancy. And the regular one stars in adult entertainment videos
What the hell??
Just the tip
It tastes better
Tastes like sin
Exactly. It tastes better.
Gets around in your food more… Which is arguably what you want your olive oil to do.
Lubes it up nicely so it slides in better
Why’s it so salty?
Virgin olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, olive oil with a questionable past…
It’s fer ur peepis
Try a glass today!
Looks like a preacher from that collar. So appropriate
Impurities, indeed.
It’s just regular olive oil with added semen.