I wud lick a slic of pooprini pleac
The dread sets in.
Did you perform the correct incantation?
We could cry in the shower together?
Hey! I read a blog once also. You’re telling me I’ve had the option all this time, to become a deranged, delusional maniac?
Self hosted Invidious still works
Me: “Jesus, do you ever stop yammering? Less talking, more vaporising”
Jeez bud just laugh at the meme for fucks sake
Heh, loads.
Your friend sounds pretty lazy. He should be working 7 days per week, 12 hour shifts, for no extra pay.
Listen Dingus, “leagues” are you devaluing yourself, and putting others up on a pedestal.
Stop it.
That’s OK, champ.
17-2, drop the 1
I feel like going to Die Mart today. Hopefully they have something affordable.
Map host port 8080 to container port 80. 8443 to 443.
Dude just go to sleep. This anal probe is a rental and I have to return it by 7am, or they’ll charge me for another full day.
Could’ve gone to Dan Flashes
What minor social misstep have you taken that will haunt you for the rest of your life?