Would this be better if the fourth panel was them leaping at each other with a fight cloud?
3" deep when resting 5" when aroused with a diameter of 1cm and an elasticicity quotient of 1.33, repeating of course.
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Right back at you like always Viking_Hippie lol.
Biden was pro two state solution and ceasefire… So is Kamala lmfao.
Don’t forget immigrants and black cities are scary.
I love the meme so much though.
But in reality we gotta let those damn sea flap flaps know Steve still got shooters out here.
Probably smart not to punch one though or you might end up like Steve. We got each other’s backs but let’s not commit to doing the same as Steve. For real though if one of them sea crepes tries to step and bubble trash about mah boi Steve, ooooooo imma punch the shit out of it.
Now if only all people, managers, businesses, unions, realized they could set what time they worked to whatever the hell they wanted within reason, moved to somewhere closer to the equator, got up earlier to use the morning instead of the night, did stuff at night…
Either way, we need to do away with the switching lol.
Hey guys, check out the dolphin fucker!
Jack McBrayer & Triumph Visit Chicago’s Wiener’s Circle | CONAN on TBS - 12 years ago
Your mom says you still owe her rent.
That’s an issue with people using Discord as something it shouldn’t be used for. Not the other way around though lol.
YouTube emos not dead. -
I need to know what all the stickers say but it’s too jpeged on mobile!
Funnily enough this is exactly how people think including our house.
I took mine down when Roe v Wade was overturned and the Progress Pride flag went up. I had been considering putting the American Flag back up recently if Democrats start winning again.
People from every country like to pretend that patriotism isn’t a natural part of living but will stick their heads so far up their own asses when talking up all their food, culture, teams, or any other number of arbitrary things.
And while there has been some divergence in Patriotism vs Nationalism, they’re essentially the same damn thing but with better connotations for one now lol.
Weenioli weenioli don’t lewd the dragon loli.
Respect to the Spaghettios.
We call them Union Shits around here, unionized or otherwise.