9gag? Get that shit out of here.
This was either posted by someone who’s 9 and doesn’t know any better, or 90 and should know better.
The 9 in 9gag is the age of average poster
The one downvote on all the comments implying OP is a twat are the internet version of a frowny faced child stamping his feet.
Guys, do y’all not bring around a scale everywhere you go with you?? 🤨
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A pocket scale always comes in handy at the deli or supermarket. Bonus points if you also carry a abacus.
What’s the youngest person that knows how to use an abacus? At this point, it’s just a random antique. And no one will believe you actually know how to use it.
Made up situation. No one has ever asked to see my bank account.
will u show me ur bank acount? 🥺
God women these days am I right!? Then they have the audacity to ask me my mother’s maiden name and last 4 digits of my social security number.
Worst is after I give it all to them, they completely ignore the rest of the conversation. Their eyes roll back into their head and start to flitter rapidly. Than their mouths just drop wide open and starts emitting high frequency pitches and tones. Next thing I’m getting texts about unauthorized access to my bank accounts, gosh what an ordeal! I never get to pull out the scale in my pocket to judge their bodies like a slab of meat at the deli.
So rude, am I right fellas?
If someone asks to see your bank account before deciding to date you then I would stop right there tbh