Today. I exercised
Today. I exercised
Saved your comment cause I knew I would run into this issue. Thanks a bunch!
Welcome to the BBC!
kinda forgot there are bots, even on lemmy 😅
treat everyone as if they’re actual people behind the screen. because they are
That’s how I first interpreted the lyrics lmao
Also, don’t forget to seed before going to bed!
How to get prescribed Xanax
Seems legit
Not a person but the song Blue Jeans and Bloody tears was ruinned for me cause the singer is a POS
I guess Coca-Cola-funded fascist death squads are just smol bean libertarians fighting the oppressive tankie socialists!
Anarcho capitalists genuinly believe this lmao
No comment
Could maybe pirate yakuza, but doing it in Hawaii might be a different story
will u show me ur bank acount? 🥺
Hot take he looks attractive
Edit: that’s ted cruz? i hate face blidness
I think it may have hapened in order to create isreal
On peut faire un site “Faits divers sur le fédivers”