If you were to reproduce the art style of a video game, what video game would you choose?
Dishonored, love the art style and art direction in that game.
Probably Akira Toriyama’s art style. RIP, you fucking legend
Either Borderlands or Breath of the Wild.
Reproduce how? Like I can program a knockoff game or if I paint a mural it looks like Jet Grind Radio?
@MisterNeon@lemmy.world Reproducing by performing a study on the art style and then drawing something original using the style.
In that case I’d be pretty stoked if I could magically create images in the Wakfu style, but in my own tastes.
LOZ - Windwaker, very good and unique stlye
Mortal Kombat with the art style of Wallace and Grommit
(inb4 people mention clayfighters or celebrity death match)
I’m a big fan of cel shading. I like the comic-y style of it.
Maybe Borderlands or JSRF/BRC.
Hyper Light Drifter in my opinion is a perfect synergy of beautiful soundtrack, ambiance design, atmosphere and gorgeous pixel art. I wish I had enough artistic aptitude to pull something like that off.
Dude, you took the words right out of my mouth. HLD is a masterpiece.
I really like the art style of Celeste
For the easiest option: i could reproduce the art from one of my games because i already made it once
I would choose a game I don’t care. Why? Because my art is bad and I don’t want to ruin a good game.
I feel like I struggle to visually identify my opponents in every other videogame but TF2.
Outer Worlds. Colourful corporate dystopian. Purpleberry Crunch!
House of the Dying Sun
This is kind of the opposite but I would try to apply the Overlord Manga artstyle to a game, it would be sick.