In the podcasting app I have the follwoing subscriptions:
- Behind The Bastards
- The Delta Flyers
- Lions Led By Donkeys
- Decoding The Unknown
- Kill James Bond
- P3 Dokumentär
- Well There’s Your Problem
- Damn Interesting
- The Podcats
- Nerd3 Podcats
P3 Dokumentär is great.
I should listen to more of them, unfortunately I always forget they exist.
Swedish radio produces a lot of high quality podcasts. Public service at it’s finest!
Warp particles!
Wait wait don’t tell me
Well fine then! I’ll keep them to myself.
Okay… what’s the difference between a beautiful and highly produced radio program and a podcast?
That’s a good point.
Knowledge Fight - Analysis of Alex Jones and his fucked up world
God Awful Movies - Let’s watch bad religious movies and talk shit about them
Behind the Bastards - Details about evil fuckers in history (and the present)
If Books Could Kill - let’s read shitty airport books and talk about them
Qanon Anonymous (QAA now?) - The Qanon conspiracy world is fucking wild. Best keep track of it.
Others more sporadically.
+1 for If Books Could Kill. They’ve kinda run out of shitty famous self help books, but they still do good rundowns on other books now.
I’ll also recommend Michael Hobbes’ other podcast, Maintenance Phase, which is largely about health grifts.
Upvote for knowledge fight and BtB. I also personally love The Dollap
Another Darknet Diaries fan here. Very approachable, centered around cyber security and privacy. It’s the only one I am currently listening to, but I am going to check out some of the others from this thread.
Same. Only problem is how he’s shifted his focus and new episodes are uncommon :(
Updates monthly now, so a new episode in a few days!
Thanks for the sharing ! Didn’t listen yet, but the fact that they publish the real RSS podcast feed is already a very good sign !
The one I listen the most and for the longest is No such thing as a fish.
Other that that, Better Offline, Darknet diaries, Money Stuff, Search engine, a local politics one that I disagree with but I use to be aware of what my local conservative pseudo fascists are arguing about.
And not so regularly many others whenever there’s an interesting episode.
local politics one that I disagree with but I use to be aware of what my local conservative pseudo fascists are arguing about.
I really need to find something like for my area. I like to hear what’s being said in these circles.
🤣 What a joke !!! They seem to promote self-hosted philosophy, but actually they use for their own podcast the full GAFAM suite XD XD Thanks @Mallory
I prefer single voice, storytelling podcasts. I listen to them as bedtime stories a lot.
- Lore (the older episodes are better, IMO)
- Myths & Legends (snarky modern retelling of old folk stories)
- Fictional (when he actually updates it… same guy as above, but these are classic literature)
- LeVar Burton Reads (all over the board. It’s whatever stories LeVar liked. Leans a bit toward speculative fiction)
- Drabblecast, sometimes good if you like “weird fiction”
- Cautionary Tales (nonfiction)
- Just started getting into The Program. Clear Black Mirror influences here.
I also listen to Lore, Myths and Legends and Fictional as bedtime stories.
I would add “Nothing Much Happens” to this list. The podcaster writes these short stories and tells them in a soothing voice with the goal of helping you fall asleep.
I’ve seen that one in my podcast app, but my backlog is still so long. Might be good for nights that I just want to zonk right out though.
Cautionary Tales is stressful but fun. The host has a great style and podcast voice.
LeVar Burton Reads is often great. If you like LeVar and have kids in your life, they may like Sound Detectives! , wherein a detective and a 4 foot tall ear named Audie investigate missing sounds.
The thing I like most about LeVar Burton Reads is that it’s basically Reading Rainbow with the occasional “fuck” thrown in there.
And yeah, Tim Harford’s smooth voice is a much-needed balance to the anxiety inducing content of Cautionary Tales.
- Accidental Tech Podcast: Three dudes talking about tech and (mostly) Apple
- The Allusionist: podcast about language and linguistics
- The Bruenigs: Matt & Liz Bruenig talk about random stuff
- Cortex: podcast about productivity by Myke Hurley & CGP Grey
- Factually: Interviews with interesting people hosted by Adam Connover
- Hello Internet (Dead): two dudes talking, GGP Grey & Brady Haran (Numberphile)
- Intentionally Blank: Random conversations with Brandon Sanderson & Dan Wells
- No Such Thing As a Fish: Intersting and odd facts by the team behind the British TV show QI
- Puck Soup: Ice Hockey News and information
- Stuff You Should Know: Funny podcast about all kinds of stuff
- The Tennis Podcast: podcast about tennis
- Ungeniused: brief episodes about interesting Wikipedia pages
- The Unmade Podcast: mostly random stuff, but about pitching ideas for other podcasts
- Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me: the NPR News quiz
R.I.P Hello Internet, the podcast I most wish would come back. Forever in my subs just in case.
deleted by creator
Ungeniusedatched what I’m looking fot perfectly.
A lot. The one’s I always come back to are
Not another D&D podcast
Improvised star trek
Thrilling adventure hour
Dungeons & Daddies
Hello from the Magic Tavern
Conan O Brian Needs a Friend
Comedy Bang Bang
Doug loves Movies - (since covid has a lot of video call episodes instead of live shows which really kills the energy imo.)
edited for formatting
Hello from the magic tavern. Man I haven’t listened to that in years. I have a map of Foon somewhere here though lol
Was hoping to see NADDPOD here
Currently Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History. Love it because he’s good at the storytelling and there aren’t a lot of sponsored segments like other popular shows.
If Books Could Kill is new my favourite
That’s a fantastic name for a podcast (or most anything else).
In order of listening frequency:
The Greatest Generation
Behind the Bastards
Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend
Linux Unplugged
Thank for the recommendations.
I’ve tried Linux Unplugged and I’m quite shock ! for the Episode I’ve listen too ( 16 juin 2024 : So_Long_sudo )
It start early at 1:50, with a country music that prays systemd 🤔Then at 2:06 Advertise for a company that sell SaaSS ! So quite the opposite of the GNU/Linux Philosophy !!!
at 4:55 The host that say “Can you imagine life without systemd” WTF ! (That he use it personally, why not. He does what he want on his machines, but to promote it !! WTF )\
and for those who are not aware of the problem of systemd --> \
Behind the Bastards, Linux Lads, Linux Late Night, The Infinite Monkey Cage (when they do episodes), some spanish stuff for listening practice (mostly Hoy Hablamos), Hack-a-Day, Self-Hosted, and Cory Doctorow…
Have you found Spanish Obsessed? It’s a Colombian/English couple who just have conversations in Spanish about random topics at an intermediate level.
They have several podcasts, so make sure to find the intermediate level for the conversations. Their beginner level has much more spoken English and basic Spanish vocab, which I’m not as into.
No, but I’ll check them out. Thanks for the suggestion.
- No Such Thing As A Fish - amazing facts by hilarious hosts
- Let’s Learn Everything - fascinating, hilarious and great chemistry between hosts
- Dungeons and Daddies (not a BDSM podcast) - stunning story with some actual RPG play
- Ologies - even the topics I felt would be boring were fascinating (like Ursinology)
- It’s always sunny podcast,
- Radiolab,
- 99 Percent invisible ,
- The Dollop,
- Stuff You Should Know,
- Philosophize This,
- Behind The Bastards,
- Sawbones,
- The Moth
- This American Life (less these days)
Then I have a couple of news and political news talk shows that I listen to sparingly.
Stuff You Should Know
I would like to give it a try… but I don’t find 🔎 the original Podcast RSS feed !!! Someone has it !?
Here you go, I just double checked this one:
They’ve changed parent companies at least 4 different times over the years. This is the one found on the IHeartRadio website.
- 99% Invisible
- Twenty Thousand Hertz
- Radiolab
- Science Vs
- Snap Judgement
- Outside/In
- Endless Thread
- Unexplainable
- Search Engine
- Decoder Ring
- Invisibilia (discontinued)
- The Moth
- Reply All (discontinued)
- The Sporkful
- This American Life