The slideshow of the lives of the couple included photos from a Black Lives Matter protest. One of the two getting married is a cop. Then I noticed Thin Blue Line decor around the gift table. The other half of the couple is Black.
The slideshow of the lives of the couple included photos from a Black Lives Matter protest. One of the two getting married is a cop. Then I noticed Thin Blue Line decor around the gift table. The other half of the couple is Black.
I call AI slop. That quoted paragraph is terrible.
“A fifth of children are in broken homes or parentless”. Lol, as if kids raised by a single parent need to be adopted by a married couple. Bullshit.
I follow the directions on the container. Mine doesn’t say to let it set, so it stays in as long as it takes me to give it and my scalp a good scrub.
Edit: I also use something called co-wash, not conditioner.
Lol, no. They were able to have a house and multiple kids on one salary.
would a “standard” commoner from back then laugh at how ‘soft’ our world has become from their point of view?
No, they’d either want the same or they’d think we’re evil magicians and want to burn us at the stake. Who tf wants more infant mortality (except for US Republicans and their ilk).
“Ah yes, dying in childbirth really builds character!”
“Contracting polio really put hair on my son’s chest and made him into the man he is today!”
“I’m so glad I can look forward to a life of hard physical labor and and death at 40. Not like those future weaklings who might survive into their 70s and beyond.”
“Oh, boy. Chattel slavery has been great for us. The family that picks cotton together, sticks together … until our owners decide to sell us off.”
You know women does not equal extrovert, I hope?
“Women be bitchy unless I am bitchy first” is just too neatly packaged for internet woman-hating bait. Is this AI or someone trying to karma-farm reddit style?
Probably this weekend. I need to double check that I got all necessary documents. It’s cold outside, I have a cold, in a lul for sports and entertainment and hobbies, so now is the time for me to get taxes over and done with.
Just annoying men named Damon.
The question in your title is also different than the question (questions?) in your post, FWIW.
A question that might get you more useful responses us, “I live in a super rural area with limited options for socializing. Looking for ideas for 1) finding people and social events outside what I typically look for (list your go-tos here) and 2) motivation when I know I need more socialization but can’t get over the hump to leave my house.”
If you ask people what they do for their experiences, it’s a lot easier for folks to answer versus telling you what to do, esp when you have a real diagnosis and therapist. Good luck, friend.
No offense, but this is a question for your therapist. You’ve given random internet strangers one paragraph to work from, versus repeat sessions with a trained medical professional. Go with the trained medical professional.
If I’ve tagged them as “DNE” (don’t engage), then trust I tagged them for a reason and don’t engage.
I was done with Facebook before Trump 1.0 even happened. Never got into Twitter. Left reddit with the API Exodus. Lemmy is top 2 social media for me these days.
Not to be a “just Google it” type person, but I personally would read the Wikipedia articles on each. Wikipedia still has to be taken with skepticism, especially on decentralized movements that some would like to see be declared domestic terrorists, but I would believe Wikipedia more than randos on the internet.
For example, I am the King of Anonymous. I see everything. I hear everything. We are merely waiting in the shadows for our next opportunity. Oooooor, I’m just a nobody lying online for giggles.
I think the real answer is they were decentralized and people picked up or dropped the Anonymous or Antifa label as it was useful to them. There have been so many conspiracy theories and misinformation campaigns on both, mentioning them is guaranteed to get 95% of people bored and trying to to change topics. So for people trying to get attention, identifying as Antifa or Anonymous probably doesn’t help them these days.
I don’t really feel like talking about Trump anymore with people I don’t know well. So I would think “time to exit this conversation quickly and politely”.
My honorary hamster (a green anole lizard) escaped and was presumed dead. We found him and recaptured him over two years later, living on the spiders and other insects in my brother’s basement bedroom and bathroom. He lived for several more years in captivity, and I renewed efforts to give him a variety of wild-caught food instead of just store bought feeder crickets. He died fat and happy of old age.
My dude, even when I was a young American woman in prime meme-consumption age, I couldn’t keep up with all of it. Keeping up would require so many hours online, it’s not something to be jealous of.
At least that’s what I tell my middle-aged self to cope with being old and slow.
Well, we’re planning to watch the super bowl in an hour and half. It would be pretty noticeable if all men were gone.
Pressing the crosswalk button over and over will make the light change faster.
Yep. And adopted a white baby. Like, intentionally, specifically a white baby.