That’s on average 57 per day, or 3.5 per hour if we assume 16 hours a day awake. Seems likely he just automated the process somehow, or that multiple people were making reports under his name. Or he was just submitting a report every 17 waking minutes for the entire year. Who knows.
Set it up to a mic measuring decibels lol.
Could tie it into adsb and send complaints with specific tail#s
Doesnt seem unreasonable, we have people here on lemmy who post and comment more than 100 times each day, also over a whole year. And I dont mean bots
What if he was preemptively planning his complaints? You know, studying flight paths, departures, & arrivals, then just delivering 57 unique complaints each day with one phone call?
“Look… I know Quantus 617 leaves for Houston at 5:45, the 974 at 3, 452 goes at 4:12, & the 889 heads out at 9pm.
Yep, that’s right.
Uh huh.
Yes I fucking know it’s only 8am. Those flights WILL be too loud & I expect you to take my complaints immediately!”
Sounds like that Austrian guy who was caught having taken the covid vaccine hundreds of times.
“vaccine Georg is an outlier and should not have been coubted”
Well, did he get superpowers?
It doesn’t give you super powers.
Though he would basically be a datacentre with all the bill gates microchips in him.
Fucking hell that’s almost 57 complaints per day
What do you do with Home Assistant?
“Oh well I automate a noise complaint form submission. It’s integrated with my noise level detector and with a custom python lookup for the most recent airplane departure”
(that guy probably)
I heard a story about a guy doing something similar, but it was his internet connection speed and instead of submitting a noise complaint it tweeted at his service provider.
Noise Complaints Georg
This isn’t a meme.
Everything is a meme.
But that doesn’t mean everything goes in the memes community. For example, uploading a mere T-shirt would be met with primarily downvotes.
I meant as a post, not a comment, but nice.
Pareto principle taken to an extreme
Lol this dude just has to take one for the team .
The hero we need, but not the hero we deserve
That’s a little over 3 per waking hour.
How’s the serenity?
Wade!? Is that you!?
They could put in triple glazing? I dunno, just thinking that might be easier.
Dankpods moment
Pareto would be happy