I like how they take a moral stance against Apple and Google, but then proudly display Boeing and the US Air Force as customers.
“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”
I like how they take a moral stance against Apple and Google, but then proudly display Boeing and the US Air Force as customers.
Slavery, war and genocides.
I learned about Gandhi when I was 12, and thought it was dumb that he would be in hell just because he wasn’t Christian. Absolutely could not square that rule with the idea that “God is love”. Figured it was all a bunch of bullshit.
Projection, or machiavellianism.
Sucks to go see a band you love and be disappointed. Hope your next show is better!
You aren’t exactly wrong in your first two quote-responses, I will give you that. “The Left” commonly answers the second with an idea called ‘eternal revolution’. The idea being that we cannot stop improving, or become so lazy in our ways that we begin to ossify into a form over function society.
I urge you to read the letter. It will raise your consciousness a hundred times more than any conversation you’ll have on Lemmy today.
Almost all of them. Live music is one of the greatest things to experience.
But only in a kind of theoretical sense. They think the status quo is best for everyone, but it’s really only best for them. What is a more centrist sentiment than “our system may not be perfect, but it’s the best there is”? See Dr. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” for an eloquent condemnation of “moderates”.
Centrists want the status quo, yes, but mostly just for themselves. This is why fascism starts with minority groups. Centrists will accept fascists “coming for the” communists/trans/migrants/etc, since it mostly isn’t effecting their status quo.
Protests aren’t always for the “benefit” of nonparticipants, as much as for those taking part. Being surrounded by people with the same concerns as you who are also willing to take some kind of action is very heartening. Not only does it bring joy to people who may otherwise feel powerless or overwhelmed, it presents opportunities for making connections for further organizing.
Without public protests, you may have a lot of individuals that believe they are alone in their outrage. Feeling this, nobody will ever act and so be defeated without ever fighting at all.
Hey thanks for following up. I did see that, and I have it installed :)
GW Bush killed a million people and the media treats him like a sweet grandpa.
It’s wasn’t the scream, it was the concerted gas lighting from the media that sunk Dean. It could have been anything. The establishment didn’t want him, so they manufactured a reason to end his campaign.
Just engage. Make sure you are fully committed to not being a creep, and play your part. Lots of youngsters want and need older role-models/mentors/whatever. As long as you are clear with maintaining and signaling your boundaries, it can be a really positive experience for everyone.
I was gonna, but I ended up needing new tires on the car.
Gray pube.
Damn that looks cool. I’m disappointed in how many projects are only for Docker though :(
I’m in IT. Wish I could have gotten into programming, but I’m just not suited to it for whatever reasons. I love tinkering on Linux boxes and figuring out networking issues. Interested in infosec, but discouraged by how many of those jobs involve working for the war machine.
Interesting. This particular script I’m just double clicking to run, but I did name it script.sh. If I were to run it in the terminal, I would just do ./script.sh
Organize in your community. Doing something/anything will help alleviate the anxiety and stress you are feeling.