Je suis en retard aujourd’hui
Je suis en retard aujourd’hui
To start the motor from cold, you’d have to lock the throttle open. The button sticking up on the top of the handle says this isn’t locked open, otherwise it would be down.
So, either the motor is cold and won’t start in this situation, or it’s hot and it will
If it’s hot, it depends on the carb settings if the motor revs up slightly on starting
Usually on older chainsaws, the chain will move jerkily on starting due to age, so worse case scenario this guy will get his trousers stuck in the chain and crushed/torn bollocks
That said, obscured by his trousers is the chain brake. If it’s forward, the chain definitely wouldn’t move anyway
Just someone that’s been using chainsaws for 30 years
Political speech can involve hate.
Not in a modern society
Political disagreement, or any other disagreement that does not involve hate and harm should not be in question.
It never has been
You’re welcome to hate Biden or Trump.
I make a point of not hating anyone too old to control their bladder
You’re not welcome to threaten to kill your political opponent’s supporters.
Yes, that’s the idea
I’ve not got a clue what point you’re making
It’s your inability to differentiate between political speech and hate speech that’s the problem
In modern societies, we’re happy with the government banning the latter and not the former
In undeveloped countries like the US, their toddler-level reading skills prevent them from knowing which one’s which
sucking like a Dyson
What, immediately block up, stop working then lots of bits just randomly break off you?
The yanks and their shitty primary education are the first to claim that their inability to type coherently is “language evolving”
I’ll use “third-world” how I like 😁
It’s no different to…
*Lists things that only happen in third world shitholes 😂
It’s gold, not lead
this is in poor taste
Translation - I’m desperate to draw attention to myself by being offended on someone else’s behalf
Those are just ideas that were previously “generated” by humans though, that the LLM learned
For the 99% of us who don’t know what tweening is and were scared to Google it in case it was perverted, it’s short for in-betweening and means the short frames of an animation in-between two main scenes
No, he died trying to suck your penis
almost wrote 2024 again
You wrote the first of thirteenthember and that’s what you’re worried about?
Hope you manage to travel one day!
That’s just not true.
Where I am, the rule is “sarcasm until proven otherwise”
And in Europe, even non-native English speakers have a far more innate grasp of written humour than pretty much any American
- Mathew 7:12 “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.
Matthew gave reacharound then?
You cited an example from a society that thinks handguns are a right yet doesn’t fight for basic human rights like healthcare
That’s absolutely not a modern society