I watched the video they released the other day and stopped half way through. It looked rather dull and also ugly, unfortunately.
How is there no middleware available for NPC movement? It looked tremendously stilted. Similarly the lighting and environments looked worse than things I was playing fifteen years ago. I don’t need cutting edge but it looks distractingly ugly to me.
I’d need to replay it (which I might this year) to point out specific parts, but I remember some dialogues/characters being a bit “childish”. I’m not talking “butt stallion” childish but different from the Fallout humour (and yes Fallout can be funny too)
I hear you on the trailer. I think Fallout and Outer Worlds are both inherently dark comedies at their core, and I think that trailer lets the potential audience know that it’s a comedy in a way that Fallout trailers typically don’t, but Fallout has a legacy at this point. For me, the touchstone of The Outer Worlds’ humor is right at the beginning, with a man coughing up blood in his dying breaths, trying desperately to remember and recite his company’s motto, and I think that tone holds true throughout. Meanwhile, I’m playing Borderlands 2 right now, and while the comedy does often land for me, it can sometimes devolve into calling a creature a “bonerfart” as the punchline.
Usually I’m all about games like this but for whatever reason it just looks uninspired. Maybe it’s all a little too goofy and bright and clean.
I watched the video they released the other day and stopped half way through. It looked rather dull and also ugly, unfortunately.
How is there no middleware available for NPC movement? It looked tremendously stilted. Similarly the lighting and environments looked worse than things I was playing fifteen years ago. I don’t need cutting edge but it looks distractingly ugly to me.
Outer Worlds had the same issue, the Borderlands “humour” and bright colors didn’t mix with the “Fallout in space” overall theme
What part of it did you find to be Borderlands humor and not Fallout humor?
I’d need to replay it (which I might this year) to point out specific parts, but I remember some dialogues/characters being a bit “childish”. I’m not talking “butt stallion” childish but different from the Fallout humour (and yes Fallout can be funny too)
I mean they could sell me this as a trailer for a Borderlands game : https://youtu.be/zNmjNA6dtEA
I hear you on the trailer. I think Fallout and Outer Worlds are both inherently dark comedies at their core, and I think that trailer lets the potential audience know that it’s a comedy in a way that Fallout trailers typically don’t, but Fallout has a legacy at this point. For me, the touchstone of The Outer Worlds’ humor is right at the beginning, with a man coughing up blood in his dying breaths, trying desperately to remember and recite his company’s motto, and I think that tone holds true throughout. Meanwhile, I’m playing Borderlands 2 right now, and while the comedy does often land for me, it can sometimes devolve into calling a creature a “bonerfart” as the punchline.
Well said. It looks too clean/polished.