I haven’t played since before Wizards started pushing Commander, at that time called EDH. I felt the Standard Format was a perfect setup to keep the game fresh and innovative while still making money, and the Legacy Format was perfect for the people who had cards that are no longer in Standard. I think the Commander Format killed a perfect system, and Wizards/Hasbro are just trying everything to make money and keep the game mostly unplayable with the licensed tie-ins.

  • caseyweederman@lemmy.ca
    4 days ago

    Come play Flesh and Blood! It’s like if Magic the Gathering was thematically representing Mortal Kombat gameplay.
    And Genesis: Battle of Champions! It’s like if Magic the Gathering was crossed with Final Fantasy Tactics.
    And Magi Nation! It’s like if the entire Pokémon franchise aged up with its demographic, was more well-written and designed, and was just overall better than Pokémon at everything except for competing with the actual Pokémon franchise. They’re back after a successful Kickstarter!