Winter is better than summer.
I went outside and started seeing a bunch of trees in flower… I knew something was wrong I’ve been sneezing more the last 2 weeks 😮💨
Ha, I consider myself lucky since I don’t get hay fever.
Disagree but both suck anyway, Spring and Autumn are where it’s at, more so Spring for me.
Autumn you rain loving (insert insult here)!!!
You rain loving gush bucket!
Good news! Winter is probably going to be over for most people on the planet by the end of the century.
Hey if the gulf stream collapses Europe gets cold
Yeah but most people on earth get hot, as the vast majority of humanity lives closer to the equator than Europe.
I think these guys NEED more winter. They’re still sunburned from LAST summer!
It’s Monday already?
It feels like football season just started last week
Last time I saw you, you were only like, this tall
Time, amiriteguise?
Winter has to stop for good! #climatejustice