Bobby Turkalino

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • What walled garden are you talking about? Exclusive games? Literally every console ever made has those.

    Nintendo bad for making QoL console releases? Again, Nintendo is not the only company to do that. PS4/PS5 Pro, the recent Xboxes, etc

    With emulators, they’re only trying to protect their current hardware. They’ve put basically zero effort into shutting down emulators for consoles they don’t sell anymore. Yeah, I’m with everyone else in wishing they didn’t shut down the switch emulators but it’s somewhat understandable that they’re trying to protect their revenue from hardware sales

  • I get it, people have understandable reasons for why they personally wouldn’t want crossplay in competitive. All I’m asking for is the option to enable it. I’m on PC and almost all of my friends are on console so we always have to play casual. The wild swings in opponent skill level get really annoying sometimes. Solo queuing in this game is exceptionally awful because voice chat is disabled by default, which makes no sense for a game that requires teamwork

    And yeah, the blanket live service hate gets pretty annoying. Like this is a great game with purely cosmetic microtransactions that can be easily ignored

  • For about 2 years, I was smoking at a level that was definitely bad. I would smoke 2-3 bowls in the morning, then have multiple sessions at night of 2-3 bowls each. I was going through an ounce of flower per week.

    The sheer amount of time it took to smoke that much was a waste, I mean I was watching TV while I was doing it but it was pretty garbage TV, since I wasn’t mentally present enough to watch anything good.

    I basically gave myself asthma. I never had asthma attacks before I started smoking and then I started getting them during my sessions and then I started getting them outside of my sessions.

    Anyways, I’m 3 months clean now with no plans to ever touch it again. I know that I can’t just be a joint-on-the-weekend-kind of guy. I’m no longer getting asthma attacks and I’m sleeping much better now (and I get dreams again! I missed that so much)

  • I always hear people complaining about “those kids” but I just don’t see it at the gym I go to, other than like the occasional mirror selfie. Maybe it’s just because the gym I go to isn’t the type to attract influencers?

    But also, recording yourself lift is a great way to see things that you’re doing wrong that you wouldn’t otherwise notice