Knowing how to code and interacting with stuff like the nintendo e shop scrollimg performance being super shit makes me think I would absolutely be fired if I deployed shit like that in prod for millions of users.
But how many burritos is that.
Butts are the original boobs.
The average person definitely doesn’t have a 1tb drive.
I just install apps on my android tv with adb. But it all sucks, no useful alternative app store has an actual useful UI that works on the big screen. Updating is a pain, there’s an app or two that help but they all a pain because it’s almost impossible to navigate on the big screen with a remote control.
So, really, use adb.
It sounds like a magical land.
There’s at least 2 mangas and one anime.
Saw Alestorm and that was crazy cool.
Staind, Avenged Sevenfold,
Probably. I kept reading and reading again trying to understand the context and was only thinking it was some kind of lift in some mountains range. Or that they were going to heaven after dying.
Is the comic supposed to be a bus??? 😱
Sorry, I didn’t check the sub I was in.
Well, potentially a lot, specially when sold for crossing data with other sources. I worked in a place willing to lose millions of dollars a month, without profit, hoping that eventually in 1 or 2 years the few bits of personal info they were capturing could be sold.
Also worked on another place that aggregated all public info available for everyone and allowed with 2 clicks understand many things about a person and all their family for example.
I was thinking this would be the obvious thing to happen without even knowing there were more comics about it. It’s good see stuff be reused.
still dead inside hopefully closer to died outside
Oh, that was what the last panel was about.