spoke too soon
damn. was nice while it lasted. guess they’re bootlickers too
Of course they are, both CEOs where there on the front row during his swearing or as I call it “welcome to the final chapter”
The relationship is symbiotic. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
And it will undoubtedly pay off for them. This is the first brazenly tech oligarchy-driven administration.
Remember who was at Trump’s inauguration? Musk, obviously, but also:
- Tim Cook, CEO of Apple
- Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon
- Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta
- Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet
Trump, a populist president, is flanked by tech billionaires at his inaugurationTim Apple isn’t your friend, either. No oligarch is.
Them’s the rules, they kiss the ring and get their kickbacks
Ok I’m kind of confused now. I’m with you. I feel like I’m having Mandela syndrome of whatever that is because I remember reading about it last night over and over and, but can’t remember if I ever checked from Canada. I doubt I did because I decided to ditch the ecosystem.
But it does say Gulf of Mexico right now anyway in Canada. Still inexcusable regardless, but not quite as bad as Google’s bullshit listing both.
It’s not going to change in Canada because maps are dynamic. Borders aren’t recognized the same way everywhere, and names aren’t the same everywhere; therefore map providers render the map as it is recognized in the viewer’s location.
This is Google dot ca from last night. I’m curious if the map app behaves differently.
Edit: Google Earth app from a mobile device in Canada:
Yeah I noticed, I’m not sure why they added the parentheses.
The labels are geofenced. You get a different one depending on your location. VPN to somewhere in the states - you should see the new (stupid) name.
corporations are not your friends.
Nope. They did it too and are also advertising on X again…
damn guess they caved. Back to paper maps it is
I’m using Organic Maps and OsmAnd Maps. They need a lot more businesses added (which we can help with) but they’re getting there. Both still showing gulf of mexico
r/prematurecelebration moment.
OsmAnd is also based
Am I joke for you?I need to make an account, and update my city.
Google Maps when viewed from Europe (or they changed it in the meantime):
how’s this holding up today?
Amap - Chinese maps app - extremely common China W
Amap doesn’t support English unfortunately. Neither does Baidu. So it’s about as useful in the US as Google Maps is in China.
Edit: Apparently as of late January 2025 it supports English. This is SO USEFUL for foreigners visiting China, it was so annoying to navigate before without being able to read Chinese characters.
It does support english ya and even works outside China for navigation. It doesnt have all the same locations like resturants and stuff sometimes tho
What is the tropic of cancer??
It’s where the carcinized go on summer holiday.
It’s a steamy romantic thriller by Barbara Taylor-Bradford,
You asking FR? Damn
English isn’t my mother tongue so I was kinda confused why something geographical was named after a medical condition
No problem.
I reported the incorrect name in apple maps, google provides no such option.
They removed it.
They love their government contracts.
When will Americans learn, no one cares about them.