The world needs more Godzilla memes.
Hulk is big and his power was amplified thanks to the radiation ✅
Godzilla is big and its power was amplified thanks to the radiation ✅
It checks out.
Godzilla is friend-shaped
Thanks Godzilla
Not even sure if that’s the worst version of godzilla anymore now that he’s pink
Godzilla doesn’t give a shit about you. Get off your extremely high Godzilla shaped horse.
Haters don’t sleep I see.
King Kong appreciation society
Godzilla forgives you for saying this.
In Godzilla We Trust
Watched Godzilla minus one, Godzilla only cares about you in the ways of being a tasty snack
I listened to a preacher preach about how our lives wouldn’t have any meaning if a divine being doesn’t exist that has a plan for all of us.
I believe Godzilla is that divine being, and his plan for us all is to be his snacks!
Praise the great lizard! 🙏🙌
Wouldn’t that mean that poor god’s existence has no meaning, since there’s no even more divine being that has a plan for him?
No no, god gets their meaning from super-god, and super-god gets their meaning from super-duper god, etc
It’s gods all the way down
And on the bottom, holding everything up, is Godzilla (praise be)
So he DOES care…
Take me dark stranger!
Are we the tasty treats?
As someone who has accepted godzilla as his personal savior, I will pray for you.
But I care about my partner and I call her a tasty snack…
You know how you can tell that Godzilla believes in you? He hasn’t stomped or chomped you yet.
My life would make baby Godzilla cry.