Apologies for the low resolution. It was a mobile ad and all I could get was a screenshot.
Who are they advertising to? Emaciated cross dressing men with bad haircuts?
And they’re advertising sacks to them?!
Looks anorexic to me. Hope they are fine
I looked a lot like that as a teenager while going through some growth spurts. I ate like an elephant (1990s taco tuesdays at Taco Bell we’d each get a 12 pack after school), but I was still 150-160 at 6’3” (60 something kilos and 190something cm).
This person might be a little lighter, but I couldn’t put on muscle to save my life back then. Not till I was in my 20s did I get above 170.
Edit: forgot how to divide by 2.2…
In High School I was a 5’9" burly 165 lbs dude I was doing like 25 pullups on door frames, but after that life kind of went sideways and I lost the weight and strength and I’ve never been back to that weight again.
I did continue to grow to 5’11" tho so thats a consolation prize.
but I was still 150-160 at 6’3” (30something kilos and 190something cm).
150-160 lbs is definitely not “30 something kilos”. It’s more than double that, around 70 kg. Just FYI or for any other weird-unit users out there who aren’t familiar with standard kg. 😅
When I read 190cm and 30kg, I was kinda shocked
That would look like a skeleton, I’m pretty sure. 😅
You cannot tell me that dude (duddette?) doesn’t have an eating disorder. That looks sickly and horrible.
I am extremely skinny and look unhealthy and kinda similar to the model in that way, even though I eat normally and I think even very healthy. My dad looks like that too. Being 2 meters tall also doesn’t exactly help. Just saying that you shouldn’t judge people so easily and you can hurt someone also pretty easily. Some people just have being fat or skinny in their genes.
Thank you. There’s apparently been a fine line between promoting body acceptance and shitting on thin body types. Some people seem to think it’s not even a natural body type at all and anyone who’s thin is just anorexic. It’s like we’ve been completely left out of the equation unless we’re being looked down on. Yeah, I’m right there with you on this.
Absolutely right. I would not judge you if I saw you at the supermarket. But this dude is the face of a fashion and beauty brand. They are pushing this body type (rarely occurs naturally in healthy folks like you) and mostly occurs on people with health problems. In a way they are pushing a non healthy image to many people that are not like you. I would even dare to say you are a very minuscule porcentage of people with this body type that are 100% healthy so this is being pushed to folks that have lovehandles and now they hate themselves.
Yeah, given that people have different body types, making any type the good one or worse, the right one is just wrong, and beauty business plays a big role in the problem.
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Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. I think it’s a bit distasteful to armchair diagnose someone you don’t know, though
It’s also distasteful to encourage eating disorders to enter the modelling industry by exclusively featuring models that are extremely underweight, but I guess who are we to judge…
I used to look like that from ages 15 to 30. I was eating 6000 calories a day to maintain my weight. I don’t know about that dude (dude is gender neutral), but it is possible they are struggling to not lose weight. Unlikely, but possible.
You’re either lying on the Internet (impossible!) or you had some serious disease that you failed to mention in your comment. Mitchell Hooper, weighing around 140 kg, was eating around 5500 kcal when he won worlds strongest man.
No illness. Just unlucky. Why would use use a world class body builder, literally the most exceptional human to ever exist as your point of comparison? That’s like saying anyone could play Conan the Barbarian if they just toned up a little.
No, you’re missing the point. Point is that even 500kcal less than your claimed daily intake will put into a 100++kg body weight, even if you’re an elite athlete.
Unless you eat like Askeladden, there is absolutely zero chance you were eating anywhere close to 6000kcal a day if you didn’t have medical condition that tampered with your intake.
Don’t spread misinformation, especially about a topic that is already so heavily mired with it.
Except I was and I did. It’s not misinformation. It’s experience. But thanks for trying to invalidate 15 years of my life with zero information other than a basic understanding of calories and not figuring in any other metabolic factors.
So you don’t know how to count calories. Just say that.
Except I did. If I got behind I would lose pounds.
This isn’t mild.
Me: “How bad could it b-JESUS!”
The guy doesn’t look much better, just drowned in a suit
Looking at other photos though Prada seem to prefer models this skinny
Is Prada trying to bring back the baggy suit look? Please no, it was horrible.
The ad aside, I just don’t understand the appeal of paying $3,000 for a handbag when a $20 handbag will can do just the same thing. The only thing I can think of is people think they look cool or rich or better if they have a Prada handbag, but frankly, who gives a shit what kind of bag someone has? And second of all, if I saw you with one I wouldn’t think you are cool at all. I would think you’re the dumbest person alive.
While it’s true that you hit a point of diminishing returns, there’s a sharp divide between, say, a $200 bag and a $20 bag. Technically a plastic shopping bag will serve the same purpose as a purse, but it’s likely to break in less than a day. A $20 bag might last a few months of daily use if you’re careful, but it’s going to have cheap/non-durable materials, have cheap findings, and be poorly made. At $200, the odds are pretty high that it’s going to be well made, use solid materials that will last, and have fittings that aren’t going to corrode, fall off, or break in a few months.
I have a designer wallet that I’ve used every day for over 15 years, and while it looks beat up, it’s still fully intact. I averaged about one every 3-4 years before I got this one.
See also: Cap’n Vimes boots theory of socioeconomic unfairness.
I got obsessed with designer replicas - I didn’t buy many but I loved looking at comparisons on repladies… and the cheaper dupes were often much better made and quality controlled than the authentics. We’re still talking a few hundred for the bag but the genuine ones can be 10 or even 100 times the price. I know this isn’t what you were talking about btw. It’s definitely better to spend a bit more on a bag… or anything, for quality!
To be fair I’ve got a wallet from AliExpress that still works fine after 5 years. Unfortunately quality and price are not the same thing. Sometimes expensive stuff is made as cheaply as possible. As a consumer it’s not always that easy to know when you are fooled.
Also it’s not really true anymore that a good brand is still good. Lots of good brands decided to produce inferior products for higher profits. I think it’s probably because a brand is bought by some investment firm that wants to maximize profits.
The thing is that cheap stuff is almost guaranteed to be of bad quality, so that becomes a lottery where your chances of getting a decent quality get higher with higher bid but never 100%
Doesn’t pretty much every wallet survive for ever. As long as it’s leather or something else durable.
Leather comes in varying qualities. Thread can break if the wrong thread is used. Snaps can fall off if they aren’t set correctly, and they can corrode if they’re plated badly.
My leather wallet has had random bits of recycled cardboard used to add stiffness falling out of it for a while now. It still functions, but I’m pretty sure some of the pockets are now more accurately tunnels to other pockets.
Yes, but you and I aren’t the market for these. There are a lot of dumb, impressionable people, and some of them have money too.
If you have many millions of dollars lying around it might make sense, for the same reason it might make sense to a normal person to spend a few dollars on an item they could instead spend 50 cents for a cheaper version of if they wait a few months for slow shipping from China. What a pricetag means to you changes depending on how much you have to spend.
I just don’t understand the appeal of paying $3,000 for a handbag when a $20 handbag will can do just the same thing.
The appeal is that a $3,000 handbag sends a signal, one that you have $3,000 to spend on a handbag and are the type of person who would do such a thing.
I like these brands cuz they’re like “from the rich, to the rich” kind of things. It has nothing to do with the rest of us. And we don’t understand them either, like I recently bought some nice looking shoes made in probably some Chinese factory and they’re gonna last me for years. Same thing with some branded shoes just more expensive, it’s not they last longer or anything either cuz planned obsolescence.
The fashion industry is simply saving money on fabrics by using smaller, thinner models that don’t require as much material to clothe.
TBH that statement rings true. It’s so much easier to make a fit look good if you’re skinny. Also, when you’re doing a photoshoot there’s always the possibility of the model bailing at the last minute. So, to keep the photoshoot going with another model you don’t need to keep multiple sizes just slap that clothing on and use clips to make it fit nice.
Also this is anecdotal, my partner is 5’5 and weighs 90 lbs and it’s so easy for them to make an outfit it’s crazy.
Is that Tim or Eric?
Jesus fuck this is literally starvation
I legitimately thought this was a joke, at first. Like taking some internet meme I’m unfamiliar with and putting it in an ad for Prada.
Gender doesn’t matter (and can’t be determined) this is ugly thin and ugly haircut to the extreme.
Weight aside, that haircut is atrocious.
Interesting haircut (if you can call that a haircut)
Body image issues aside, I just could not imagine going through life with so little upper and lower body strength. Just seems so impractical and inconvenient to choose to be this way.
I agree completely. Same with the long fingernails and huge boob implants! Why would you choose to make yourself more useless? It seems so silly…
Low self-esteem is gonna do that to you.
Hope there is a double cheeseburger in that purse…is this a starving child in Africa or something? I’ll fuck with em on a big Mac combo, poor lil fella 😔