• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • No, mainstream media is part of capitalism.
    Specifically shitty mainstream media (I’m sure there are some mainstream media providers that aren’t shitty).

    This is a shitty product.
    This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism.
    This is a shitty product that is part of capitalism which happens to show mainstream media.

    But this isn’t mainstream media.

    Mainstream media would want in on the ad revenue. Mainstream media would facilitate & encourage this.

    This is just a shitty product from a shitty company capitalising on shitty practices.

    I guess “part of the same bullshit” is correct.
    But it’s placing the blame on the wrong thing

  • This isn’t mainstream media.
    This is capitalism.

    This is a company making a product, selling it for a given price, then making additional money from embedded ads.
    Whether that ad revenue is additional profit, or to offset the actual cost of the item - because the sold it at a loss to beat their competitors - doesn’t really matter.
    This is the consumer paying for something, and not getting a full and complete product

  • Funnily enough, GDPR/cookie laws say denying consent needs to be as easy as granting consent.
    I’ve noticed a few websites with “Deny All” buttons next to the “Save Preferences” button. So, some people are paying attention to the law.
    I’m pretty sure your country will have a site/service for reporting non-compliant websites.

  • I was 8 when I moved to the US. It was bizarre. Obviously, as an outsider, I felt I had to fit in. I never questioned it. I didn’t understand it. I just said the words.
    I guess at some point you understand the words (I left the US before then), but by that point it’s probably become a habit. It’s still the thing that everyone else in the class does. And you still want to fit in.
    Never mind understanding the politics of the US that you have the right to not do something that is habitual and seems completely normal.

  • Default config is defined in the firmware. It can’t be deleted or changed (well, easily. I think there is a reseller option to have a custom default config).
    The “no default config” means the default config will not be applied after the reset.
    If you reset it again without checking “no default config”, then the default config will be applied.

    “No default config” is very useful for applying your own config script. It gives you a blank canvas, making scripting a lot easier!

    I have my “config.rsc” file that has the required configuration. And I have a “reset.auto.rsc” file that only has the command to reset the mikrotik with no defaults and to run the “config.rsc” script after reset.
    “filename.auto.rsc” will be executed as soon as it gets FTPd (it’s a feature of mikrotik).
    I use a bash script that FTPs the config.rsc file to the mikrotik, then the reset.auto.rsc file.
    Makes it trivial to tweak the config then apply it, and I get all the config for the devices in easy to edit/diff script files.

  • My first GP phonecall to get an in-person appointment resulted in a tiny piece of paper with suicide/help hotlines, and an ADHD form.
    I was worried about ADHD and Bipolar. I wasn’t myself. At all. It got pretty bad.

    After an in person appointment and me failing to fill in my form (edit: or not filling it in correctly, I guess?), a referral to a psychiatrist wasn’t justified and I heard no more.

    I eventually seeked private healthcare for this.
    And proper private healthcare, not that fucking “better health” or whatever that YouTube ad is. From actual doctors from an actual clinic.
    After a 1 hour consultation and £300, I felt listened to.
    The psychiatrist identified both ADHD and Bipolar traits, but said they were not significant enough compared to the depression. Treat the depression first, then circle back to the other possible issues.

    6 months on SNRIs, and I can’t believe the difference.
    I don’t feel like I’m struggling with memory loss. The traits I thought could be ADHD (hyperfocus sessions and yet easily distracted - exclusively) became manageable. The every day tasks suddenly were accomplishable. I haven’t tracked my mood very closely, but I’m either on a 2 month hypomania streak or this is actually just what I’m normally like and I can’t remember what feeling normal actually is. So maybe any bipolar I do have isn’t impacting my life so much.

    It took 6 months between the GP disappointment and seeking private care for it.
    It’s the best fucking £300 I’ve ever spent.
    The reason I got there, as opposed to accepting the GPs diagnosis, was a colleague talked about their experience. They talked about their depression, a failed visit to a GP, seeking a 2nd opinion, getting meds, and turning their life around.
    They said “don’t stop until you feel heard. Don’t stop until you agree with the doctor”.

  • Yeh, mental health issues are just health issues.
    It took me a while to realise that. A broken brain (whether Alzheimer’s, chronic depression or whatever) is just like a broken leg (or broken arm, or chronic back pain or whatever).

    You don’t ask someone with a broken leg or chronic back pain to help you move house.
    I guess it’s easier to tell when someone has a physical injury, which probably removes some of the stigma around talking about it.

  • If you want remote access to your home services behind a cgnat, the best way is with a VPS. This gives you a static public IP that your services connect to, and that you can connect to when out and about.

    If you don’t want the traffic decrypted on the VPS, then tunnel the VPN back to your homelab.
    As the VPN already is encrypted, there is no point in re-encrypting it between the vps and homelab.

    Rathole https://github.com/rapiz1/rathole is one of the easiest I have found for this.
    Or you can do things with ssh tunnels.

    For VPN, wireguard is very good

  • That’s like any FPS game ripping off any other FPS game.
    Fight, capture, tame, train, breed animals.
    Base building, research tree, enemy raids.
    Exploration, resource gathering, survival.

    I don’t think Nintendo has a monopoly on enslaving animals.

    I know what you mean, tho. It’s always described as “Pokémon with guns and 3xE gameplay”.
    But does Nintendo actually have a case that will hold up in courts?
    Pocketpair seems confident they can defend against it. So either they have done their research and are up for a fight. Or they (think they) are calling Nintendo’s bluff.
    But Nintendo has a whole pack of lawyers.

    Unfortunately there are no details on what the patents being infringemed upon are, just that they relate to “Pocket Monster”.