Imagine getting busted by that cop, and looking around at the other cops going “are you serious right now”
Imagine getting busted by that cop, and looking around at the other cops going “are you serious right now”
"Anything and everything goes. Memes, Jokes, Vents and Banter. " anything is a shitpost you fucking cop
just a city girl livin in a lonely world
well, it used to be every country did this because they didn’t have the portioning technology to prevent overpouring for those who asked for less or no ice (because they wanted extra beverage). people got used to be able to game the system, the companies knew they were doing this, and put an end to it the second they could.
This is a great read, right up until it dawn on you, that after then, the united states elected Donald Trump to be President. Twice. They won, they beat us, the morons vs the enlightened, and it turns out we didn’t stand a chance.
The Game. You’ve lost it. In the quantum world, all things are not only active, but change, once you consider them.
those motherfuckers
I am that cats father, his mother and I are very upset at the slander
If you wore this on a tshirt in West Orange or Verona you wouldn’t make it a block
follow me here, maximum public heath, equals maximum productivity, which in turn means maximum shareholder profits overall
10 points for Gryffindor
or somethin
China builds workers, they really don’t care what happens to their people after prime working ages of 14 to 35, ergo they pump their livestock up with as many antibiotics as can produce the most protein, and leave any issues of antibiotic resistance to … later (never)
bring me a bucket … and one wafer thin meeent
power to the people right on
snake cakes again conan, let it go man let it go