can you tell
no because the angle is weird
Maybe limiting internet usage is enough, spending extra time on a linux pc with no internet might just be an opportunity to learn something.
not only OP, look at how many replies this has
both 16 and 16 pro have 128 GB base storage
Does calling them work?
Would it be weird to ask her what’s up with the accents?
what is that even
Wahlwerbung für die FDP aus dem Finanzministerium?
Was denn sonst
Sounds like a good idea to disable a security feature to not be reminded of the EOL of the software you’re using /s
Are you talking about net neutrality in general, or a specific campaign that used the term? Net neutrality means all bits are equal. It does not matter where a bit is coming from, where it is going to or what it is part of.
They provide internet to the phone. What the phone does with it (e.g. provide a hotspot), is another story.
Who’s making these rules? Why do you need to assume a certain position when you encounter a special symbol?
Extract All Files
Wofür gekämpft werden sollte, wurde unterdessen nicht deutlich.
Alles grau außer dem LKW
Wenn er sich noch zur Wahl stellen darf.
How is a usb stick supposed to react if you unplug it while it was trying to write something?