One beer will give you like 0.05%*
Maybe if you shotgun it on an empty stomach or something.
With the weight of the average American, and the abv of the average American Miller Lite, one beer ain’t gonna get you anywhere near .05.
One beer will give you like 0.05%*
Maybe if you shotgun it on an empty stomach or something.
With the weight of the average American, and the abv of the average American Miller Lite, one beer ain’t gonna get you anywhere near .05.
I came across the boldest, most unfiltered military guy there.
Yeah, that ought to do it.
Putting the leftovers in Tupperware and storing them in the fridge for a week or two makes you feel slightly less guilty when you eventually throw them away.
Is that the thing that randomly switched from my desktop to my phone in the middle of a song a dozen or so times yesterday for no apparent reason and with no interaction from me on either device? Yeah, uhh, I would very much like to find an app that doesn’t do that.
That seems like a really quick way for your most favorite foods to become your least favorite foods.
I mean, I guess that’s what chewing does anyway, but I still feel like that’s one particular middleman I wouldn’t want to cut out.
Ok, now I’m gonna have to go watch that movie again. I just checked IMDb and there’s a bunch that I didn’t remember/recognize/notice.
Gwyneth paltrow was young Wendy (which I’m guessing is probably pretty obvious but I’m just old and don’t remember), David Crosby and Jimmy Buffett are pirates, and George Lucas kissed Carrie Fisher on a bridge.
Could certainly be different here because chandelier, but my full size lava lamp uses a little 25w appliance bulb, so six of them shouldn’t be more than 150w total.
I’ve seen baby doves, which look pretty damn close to pigeons, and I can assure you that they are quite hideous.
Hey Terredists! Terredise this!
Because this is a Wendy’s.
Yeah I’ve seen some YouTube videos and it definitely looks like it’ll be a fun ride if I make it that far.
My friend finally convinced me to try PoE. I generally like it, but it seems… Unpolished? I dunno. Kinda stuttery. Too much going on. It’s like they’ve just accepted and (mostly) implemented every single feature request they ever got without necessarily thinking about how it should work with all the other stuff. Not really a fan of the item/jewel/currency system or the skill tree. Like, I just want to play the game and kill monsters and make things go boom, this is too much work and planning.
I do love the carnage, though… When my level 5 or 6 fighter guy swung a regular white text sword for a regular non skill attack and it took out like 5 zombies at once, that was really nice. Never did that in Diablo.
That’s my highly unscientific opinion after playing for about a week. Sounds like 2 is going to clean up and address some of my complaints, so I’m looking forward to it.
Dececmber? Is that before or after Smarch?
How do you close the door and start it if you only put the food in halfway?
Beast seems pretty chill for having recently been decapitated.
They didn’t keep them inside the car at all times.
Does it still fit in the square hole?
Maybe he expected the fans to have mercy on him.
I think they limit to 2 per transaction (been awhile since I’ve been to a ballgame), but that definitely wouldn’t stop you from handing those to your wife and going to the next stall over and buying two more, or coming back for more after the next inning.
As another commenter said, in baseball they usually stop all alcohol sales after the 7th inning. I’d guess they do similar with other sports. I can see that being enough time to be largely ok to drive (especially by the time you hoof it down to your car and make it out of the parking lot) assuming you only had 2-3 over the course of the whole game. If you’d been dropping a beer per inning, probably less so.