Yeah. You might want to look into some other foreign owned companies as well. Tencent owns a metric shit ton of “American” companies for instance, I bet there’s several on that list that would surprise you.
Yeah. You might want to look into some other foreign owned companies as well. Tencent owns a metric shit ton of “American” companies for instance, I bet there’s several on that list that would surprise you.
Rednote isn’t trying to attract foreign users. It’s only blowing up because of the imminent app ban affecting TikTok, same as other apps like Lemon8.
As a person that have played Genshin since the launch. Those are all loot boxes. Just because it’s limited or has a pity system, that doesn’t change the fact. It just limits the results or gives you a guarantee
If you are taking a chance at all to get something from a list of items, as opposed to selecting a specific item to buy, IT IS A LOOT BOX.
The specifics of limits or pity systems, or guarantees after X amount do not matter. The slot machines in Vegas have a fixed and regulated chance to payout as well, it’s still gambling.
Gacha is a type of loot box.
You aren’t purchasing a specific item when you spend money. If there’s any sort of chance involved with that purchase it’s a loot box.
Country borders are just lines on a map. They don’t exist in the real world.
If only everyone was able to experience the overview effect, a lot of our issues could potentially fix themselves.
I’ll believe that only if his compensation for 2025 is the same as 2024 or lower. But we all know it’ll at least be $1M more.
He’s just indirectly providing a $1M interest free loan for the company.
This is why many/most reviews are actually useless.
Many people use reviews to complain, about anything, especially if it has nothing to do with the product because it’s the easiest way to try and get it out of their system.
Combined with fake reviews, astroturfed reviews from undisclosed free products, and the average user having no knowledge of a product or category to compare against, etc. and I’d even say most reviews are effectively useless.
On the bright side, seeing any of those types of phrases in the review means you can effectively ignore that review entirely.
While the North and South poles match the planet’s axis of spin. If you’re comparing differences in latitude, you’re looking at it as if the Earth were spinning around a vertical point between the poles, but the planet itself is tilted 23.5° compared to the solar plane. Plus we’re in an elliptical orbit, not circular, and that axis of tilt also wobbles about from the pull of not only the Sun but also the gas giants in our solar system like Saturn and Jupiter, and of course the Moon which also gives us our regular tides.
There’s a lot of factors that go into orbital mechanics. All of which result in our planet having widely varying tidal forces, distinct seasons, but still resulting in an overall stable and balanced ecosystem.
Not telling someone why you are firing them isn’t a magical lawsuit avoidance option. In a wrongful termination lawsuit, the courts take context into account specifically because of shitty companies/managers trying to hide behind exactly that.
There are still limits, even in at will and right to work states there are some protections.
Revoking approved time off after it’s already started is definitely a valid reason for a wrongful termination lawsuit. Especially if you have evidence of previous bullshit.
That’s why you should always get everything that seems even remotely bullshit in writing, and have your own backups.
The Try Guys never went anywhere, one dipshit revealed himself. The rest of the group kept going, and they have expanded to a larger group with several different shows now.
They can say whatever they want about him without actually stranding him in Russia to literally be a potential further leak. The info he leaked is different than his knowledge of processes and systems.
Yeah so many people talk about Snowden going to Russia and ignore the fact that he was only in Russia transferring to another plane when his passport was cancelled stranding him there. The choice was basically stay there, or go back to the US, and that wasn’t really an option.
Why the US would want to leave him in Russia as a potential asset for Russian intelligence to break instead of letting him get to a different country that isn’t such a direct threat though is a really good question.
They usually do, it’s pennies to the government. Notice however, it’s information leading to the arrest AND conviction. They’re not getting paid anytime soon, if at all.
Why didn’t they bring it out more often?
I’m fine, just trying to understand why you’re even here if you don’t want to participate in conversation.
If you only care about the facts, read the fucking article and ignore the comments. No one here is an expert or involved in the investigation, we’re here to talk about it.
For whatever reason, you seem to not understand the function of a comment section, and feel the need to voice that. Not sure why.
Tencent happen to own large portions of nearly every video game company on the planet to start with, and a ton of other large companies, 600+ of them in fact. Large enough positions to directly affect board decisions if they wanted to. And that assumes overt sudden changes and not more subtle things.