It’s the Underground, not the Metro
It’s the Underground, not the Metro
art. It’s a new medium, get over it
Who? And why? And what? And where? And when? And… uh, sorry, I got carried away. Just the first two questions
And soooo many other games and genres as well
We do have Pathfinder and 13th Age, both of which are better than 5e. They don’t have the marketing budget though
First time I saw this picture it had the caption “I’m quivering in my boots” which I thought was great!
Their families are already provided for for the next five generations, at least, assuming they’re all shite with money!
I seem to remember the Russians got stuck in mud and ran out of fuel pretty swifty I guess
Also the Russian invasion was anything but swift!
Yes I’m choosing Plasma - it’s actually good out of the box and then can be made better!
Wouldn’t be an unreasonable point if they were not so god damned fuck-ugly!
Funko should shut down out of embarrassment. Not about this specifically, just because of their entire product line
KDE works out of the box but can be customised, unlike gnome, which if it’s not how you want to use it does not work out of the box and there’s nothing you can do about it
I didn’t have much respect for MAD magazine to start with, always seemed to be generic boomer humour from what I’ve seen.
Unlike gnome, kde can be configured to look and act completely different so you should be fine
I mean exactly what I say. Yes you can select other images but they’re remixes or spins or alternative versions, the “main” version is usually gnome. And you know it!
KDE is not less consistent, it’s just more configurable. Sorry, actually configurable. Gnome basically says “Do it our way or not at all… okay maybe you can change some colours if you must”, which is much more of a Windows (and especially MacOS) attitude than KDE. The default layout of kde is bit more windows like (but less rubbish) but far more configurable. As to hacked together… have you seen gnome’s file dialogues???
Not sure what Pantheon DE is. Does Temple OS use it?
I don’t actually care about gnome, so much as about gnome being the default for most distros when kde is just better at everything a de and a unix-like system should do. Gnome is just… restrictive. Do it their way or you can;t do much of anything. And most annoyingly, the file dialogues are shite!
Inject it straight into a vein