One of their ideas is allow private match/self hosted online services for any game that shuts down it’s servers.
One of their ideas is allow private match/self hosted online services for any game that shuts down it’s servers.
Wow. I hate that kid. Did he have ‘that’ personality that comes off in this video?
We got very lucky in SE Indiana. Drive which is normally an hour (we went to in laws house) was 1.5.
Clear skies the entire time and a beautiful day in the mid 70s.
My parents flew in south TX thinking they would outsmart the weather and ended up being covered in clouds.
My friend. Revanced is the solution to your troubles.
This one is pretty hilarious. I would 100% assume you’re buying booze for people you are way too young to be hanging out with.
I buy a 6 pack of smirnoff ice once per year. My buddy loves golfing on his birthday and I hide ices throughout his bag, cart, and course because even in our mid 30s it’s funny to see someone chug an ice while on one knee.
Eh not really. I have the yellow Pikachu Gameboy color. But I’m a big Halo fan (hence the username) so I’ve focused on collecting all the Halo special edition Xboxs. Only missing 5 and Infinite. 5 is relatively cheap I just haven’t got it yet and the Infinite Series X is jacked up in price since there were so few made and it was released during the pandemic when sclapers were doing their thing.
Other than than mostly Xbox and Nintendo systems going back to SNES.
A real video game set up. I have 17 consoles in the house and over 450 games.
I even have the old CRT TV with an AV switcher hooked up so I can switch between consoles quickly without having to mess with any wires.
It depends on the company for sure. I’ve noticed a much better delivery time for most things I order nowadays through other companies. 5-7 years ago it would take at least a week for pretty anything to show up. Now most items are 2-3 days.
Fully agree though, it certainly depends on where you live.
Like others have said, they don’t guarantee two days shipping however. Their thing now is if you spend $x per order or pay more, even if you have prime, they’ll overnight it (location dependent).
I live a 20 minute drive from several large amazon warehouses and one of their largest air hubs. When two day shipping was guaranteed, we’d often get most items the next day since it goes out almost immediately and we’re very close. We noticed the last few years most deliveries take two days at least with many being delayed to 3 or 4.
Finding prime less and less of a value I cancelled at the beginning of this month as I was set to auto renew. We’ve ordered two things since. Both items we have received in the past in 1-2 days. Now they take 5-7 days for free shopping, which is fine mind you, but it shows me that rather than shipping the item they are intentionally holding back the order from being picked from the warehouse to create the delay.
Rather than prime adding value, it’s simply providing the regular service, while they intentionally give non-prime members a manufactured worse service to entice them to pay.
Nothing else on prime is worthwhile. Thursday night football sucks and when I do want to watch it if my team is playing I’ll just pirate it. Same goes for anything on prime like The Boys will just get added to the Plex server.
Pennywise eating ass is a pretty funny image.
Just got done playing about 3 hours via game pass and it is quite fun.
It is much more a survival game than pokemon. You put your pokemon (called ‘Pals’) to work on what is essentially your farm. It is much more a survival game as you are always looking for resources and crafting the next thing for your homestead. I have yet to shoot a gun, currently rocking a spear, bow and arrow, pick axe (for mining), and axe (for chopping wood).
I have ventured off my base twice and you do come across a wide variety of creatures once you venture far enough and there are small towns, people, many creatures, and more materials the further out you traverse. There appears to be ‘bosses’ as there are marked high level creatures and even gangs that will occasionally raid your base.
I could see myself sinking a lot of time into it as it does take a bit to get your base running smoothly to generate the needed materials without too much manual work on your part.
You have a party of 5 creatures but can only have one out at a time. You start with another creature at your base working and as you level gain more slots for more creatures to work for you. It’s kinda funny because you basically beat the shit out of these creatures, capture them, and then put them to work at your base.
All in all I hope development continues to expand on this game as it’s got a solid foundation and I’m not generally someone attracted to survival type games. I’m looking forward to continuing to level up and see what the game has to offer.
I generally stick to fantasy and historical fiction. Just read Fire and Blood which I loved and I’m almost done with Prisoners of the Castle which is pretty decent, an odd chapter in WWII history akin to the Battle of Schrute Farms in the Civil War.
My wife bakes, reads, and does pilates.
I’m lazy so I play video games and drink. Though I’ve reduced the booze intake and tried reading at least 1 book every 8 weeks. I’m also trying to be more consistent at the gym 2-3x per week instead of 2-3 times per month which inadvertently became the norm the past few years.
We both like board games, puzzles, and a good binge of a show we both like. Also sex.
Craigslist for basic stuff is pretty chill these days. List as local pick up only, ignore anyone asking you to ship it or doing anything weird, and arrange a local pick up in a police station parking lot or in the middle of the day at the gas station of your local mega-grocery chain. 60% of the time, it works every time. I give a lot of my old crap to goodwill and may occasionally sell something on eBay but that’s rare, like mr. clean with hair.
What a great piece of storytelling. Those doors opening and seeing all those guns pointed at you. “Guess I’m going to have to commit genocide” was my first thought quickly followed by “oh no, wait, what’s happening!?”
Oh monster was the worst! I signed up well over 10 years ago and had unsubscribed several times over multiple months once I found a job. They still would send emails 5 days a week. I blocked them and will never ever use them again because of their awful spam. If anyone’s curious, I did not find the job through monster.
I’ve refused to hook my TV up to the internet. Massive bloatware and spyware machine. I bought high end. Samsung 70" top of the line last year. But everything I watch is though a jailbroken 4k firestick or straight up on disc.
It’s a pain in the ass to switch inputs. THERES NO INPUT BUTTON. It wants to choose FOR ME what input I’m using based off the most recent input. Lick my balls. I’ll switch from the first stick to the Xbox but if the fire stick is still streaming I’ll choose the Xbox and it’ll switch back to the firestick. Fuck you. I can’t even imagine if I let that thing connect to the internet. It’d probably want a huge update, send everything I watch back to hq, and then try to show me ads. Fuck you Koreans.
It’s a great tv. Top of the line picture quality. But it’s about as good as it gets in this age. If I was more tech savvy I could probably make it better but I’m not.
Mardis Gras 2020. Was down there for a buddy’s bachelor party. That place is fucking disgusting. Had an absolute blast. Somewhere between the bars, constant parties, strip clubs, and 3 days of abusing my body as hard as I possibly could, I caught it.
Exactly two weeks later I woke up and felt like shit. Didn’t lose smell or taste but just felt super lethargic and achy like I had the flu. Called the doctor and he basically said I’m young and healthy and not to come in and if I felt worse to go to the ER.
This was very early in all the shit, right as the lockdowns were getting started. Missed 3 days of work and stayed in bed most of the time. Tests weren’t available back then unless you were in the hospital. But man was New Orleans a good time.
Agreed. But not impossible. Insignia got original Halo 2 Xbox Live servers back online. Most nights you can find a game easily with 20-40 people online during peak hours. It requires a soft mod and maybe 1-2 hours of set up to get online. If anyone could just turn on their old Xbox and play, I’m confident those numbers would be in the hundreds at least.
Allowing people to run private servers is an easy way to allow those that want to play to keep playing in an era where most games have some level of online functionality.