Halt! Mr Penis, sir.
That’s the best I’ve got.
I guess Mr Lit Penis Rash works too but it’s a bit more nonsensical.
Nerd; Board, Card, Pencil & Paper Gamer; Avid Reader; to find me in other places: https://lnk.bio/JaymesRS
Halt! Mr Penis, sir.
That’s the best I’ve got.
I guess Mr Lit Penis Rash works too but it’s a bit more nonsensical.
Wait, is sword a euphemism for penis in this book?
256% true. Do you think people would just go on the internet and tell lies like that?
Allow me to be the first to wish you a Happy Honda Days from my family to yours.
The vast majority of email address domains aren’t chosen, they come from your ISP, Cell phone/computer OS manufacturer, or employer/school. That’s the opposite of the fedeverse account creation process.
But, but eMAil!!!1!!!
I bet someone could make a good live action adaptation. It’s too bad NO ONE has ever tried.
Makes The Stranger easier for sure…
No, the trunk will stop it.
Also, everyone knows elephants can’t shoot, so why would they need a gun. 🤔
Great idea, hey everyone, we’re going to use doingthestuffs dick to stop bullets now. That way your finger doesn’t get stuck in the barrel no matter how smooth it is.
Unlike a person, a horse’s hoof will totally only fit in an elephant gun or a howizer, everyone knows that the elephant gun bullets only stop if the elephant puts their trunk in the barrel and the horse would need to be on a ladder for the howitzer. Horses can’t climb ladders, silly.
Sure, but at some point you need to acknowledge that though you can lead a horse to water, you can’t stick their hoof in the barrel of a gun to stop a bullet.
99 ÷ 2 = 92 though, right?
One person even noted how kids fingers are smaller and most adult’s fingers wouldn’t fit in the barrel… lol. That’s what the pinky is for, it’s smol for a reason, duh.
Except things like law exist in a measurable state. Violating a law has a measurable outcome in the physical world. That’s the difference. If you run a stop sign in the presence of observers such as a police officer (such that it has an impact on that observer) you will be issued a citation for violating that law. We can test that hypothesis.
If something has no measurable presence under any observable state it is indistinguishable from that which does not exist. And to assume it does is tautological and a fallacy.
How would the world change if god didn’t exist the way I described, as being socially real? There’d be no churches, no religious art, no pilgrimages that attract tens of millions each year.
That is tautological and presumes the antecedent. It’s true because they have these experiences and produced these objects. It wouldn’t be true if they hadn’t done that.
I didn’t ask, how would the world would change if people did not believe that God existed. I asked how it would change if God actually did not exist whether they believed or not. 
I’m looking for the major distinguishing characteristic that would differentiate belief in something untrue versus the actual no existence in that. It’s accurate to say that if belief was none existent, those buildings, rituals, etc. would not exist, but that doesn’t distinguish between people believing it to be true yet it not actually comporting with reality.
Those things you mentioned aren’t reliant on being consistent with reality only on people believing that they experience something that is unmeasurable in any actual sense. Our history is full of times where people believed something and developed practices, rituals, stories, and structures in recognition of those beliefs and purported to experience the presence of that belief target only for later peoples to recognize that those beliefs weren’t based on any thing that comported with reality.
Because Apple has fuck you levels of money and 95 million is a drop in the bucket to make a problem disappear. That’s basically only 5 days of Apple’s annual gross profit.